
Heading to Italy

Creating Great Places To Work!
Heading to Italy
Cathy and I will be enjoying some vacation time in Italy from Sept 20- October 5. Please address any questions prior to Sept 20 or contact Heather@chartcourse.com while we are away.
The Top 5 Leadership Lessons Learned During COVID
2020 was quite the year for everyone. It took many people and businesses on a wild ride. Leaders were faced with some of the most challenging times of their careers. There were many lessons to be learned from all the events that took place with the pandemic. One lesson that many people had to step up to was leadership. This article will discuss five of the top leadership lessons that people had to learn in 2020.

1. Time Is Short
Take advantage of the opportunities that come your way. You never know when things will take a turn and you will no longer have the chance. Take leadership of your life and make things happen.

2. Working Remotely Is Valuable
Many companies have never ever worked remotely before the pandemic. They’ve had to dive headfirst into remotely working this past year. However, they have found that it is a valuable tool that can be utilized when needed.

It is very different from working side by side with your coworkers. The daily interaction is minimal in most cases. This isolation must be addressed in order to keep everyone engaged and up to date. Employ technological platforms like Zoom or video chats.

3. Show Empathy For Your Employees and Leaders
People have faced many ups and downs throughout 2020-21. Leadership roles have been more difficult to perform. Everyone has had to go through many changes not only at work but also at home. It has been more important than ever to express empathy to your employees. Leaders must do their best to recognize, understand, and share the thoughts and feelings of others.

4. Think Outside The Box
Being given time off work in many cases has caused people to have a reduction in salary. But their financial needs may not have changed and have caused us all to think outside of the box to make ends meet.

As one result, people have been able to be more creative and pursue things they didn’t have time for or didn’t take time for in the past. Trying new things is easier now.

5. Interact With Others More
The pandemic has left a lot of people in isolation and feeling alone. When people are so used to seeing their coworkers, friends, and family regularly this can take a big toll on them. It has had a bigger effect on people than they would have thought or imagined. Even as we recover from the pandemic and try to get back to “normal” our interactions have been affected. Physical and emotional interaction is important for people’s well-being. Stay connected.

By applying the lessons learned over the past year-plus, leaders will be better prepared for other challenges and opportunities that come along.
~ Written for us by our associate Gary Sorrell, Sorrell Associates, LLC. Copyright protected. All rights reserved.
Repeat Webinar -- Oct 21
Reduce Your Stress and Increase Team Engagement
The past year and a half has been full of challenges. The transition of people returning to the office will come with many hurdles along with stress adjusting to the “new” work environment. Despite the craziness swirling around us, our homes have been the one place where we could feel safe. While some are looking forward to returning to the office, others don’t want to leave the safety of their home.
Your time is valuable. During this short discussion, Jennifer and Greg will provide some helpful tips making the transition back to work less stressful and traumatic. This discussion will only be 30 minutes long and well worth your time.
  • Discover a tool that measures your stress and that of your team
  • Learn several tips to reduce anxiety
  • Helpful tips for engagement
  • Four ways to finish 2021 focused and strong

Join our open discussion on October 21
Time: 12:00-12:30 with a 15-minute Q/A period

Are You Portraying The Right Culture For Your Business?
There are numerous responsibilities you assume when running a business. The employees who work for you look up to you to take the company in the right direction. The culture of your business can make or break the way it all succeeds or doesn’t.

What Is Culture In A Business?
Culture is all about what is allowed to go on, happen, and occur in your business. Are you allowing people who don’t deserve a raise to get one? Do you make sure that the people who genuinely deserve a promotion get one?

If unfair advantages are being taken, employees are not going to stick around for them. That includes you, the business owner. General rules and protocols need to be followed by all employees. Exceptions to skip or give special privileges shouldn’t be permitted when it comes to raises, promotions, and other similar aspects in the business.

Why Does A Good Culture Make A Difference?
Employees want to be treated fairly and as they are valuable to the company. When you skip over or don’t show proper acknowledgment, they won't feel recognized for their hard work. If your business has a good culture, the rate of employee turnover will be far less.
Not to mention, when an employee feels that they are valued, they will work harder. More effort will be put into their job, and they will perform better. No one wants to feel like they are unnoticed and someone else is benefitting from their hard work.

A Good Measure To Follow
If you are the individual in charge of a company, have a plan. Don’t fly off the seat of your pants and chance making bad decisions. Pay attention to your employees and who is doing a great job at their job. You should never promote someone based solely on their friendship with you or their ability to charm you.

Watch the performance and give promotions based on hard work and dedication. Look at who has been there the longest and waited their turn to be promoted. Some other qualities to pay attention to are:

  • Respect
  • Behavior
  • Attitude
  • Values

The culture of your business is not only how the employees are allowed to interact. It is also about what you are allowed to happen at your company. If you enforce a good culture, you’ll be more respected, and your business will thrive better with employee retention.
~ Written for us by our associate Gary Sorrell, Sorrell Associates, LLC. Copyright protected. All rights reserved
Online Virtual DISC Certification Training Webinar 
  • Includes Facilitator Materials
  • Discounts for government, military, and multiple participants are available

October 6, 13, 20, 27
November 3, 10, 17, 19
December 1,8,15,17

(12:00 - 1:30 EST)

Virtual Master DISC Training Program (5 days)

Oct 11-15
Dec 6-10

Our Master class is now taught in a virtual mode from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm for all five days.
Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Training & Certification 
Our emotional intelligence training program is delivered by Jennifer C. Zamecki, an Accredited Certified Professional Coach who has a wealth of knowledge and 20 + years of experience using these tools in both large global organizations & small companies. 
12 Individual Customer Service Videos Including Training Materials
Choose between DVD’s or a Thumbdrive
The Service First Video Library can be used by any type of organization to improve customer service because the concepts and vignettes are generic and cover every segment of the marketplace.

Thanks for Reading!
The Navigator Newsletter is the free newsletter from Greg Smith the Lead Navigator, author, speaker and organizational development consultant, along with his team of experts at Chartcourse.com. If you like it, please forward a copy to a friend. 
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