
Navigator: Launch or Lose During the First 90 Days

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Greg no tie
Greg Smith
Lead Navigator



CAPTAIN OF THE SHIP                                        Buoy  


We are pleased to announce a completely revamped Web site at Chart Your Course International! The Web site is leaner and meaner with more intuitive navigation, a blog, an integrated storefront and interconnection with more social media sites. Check out the new site here.  


The modern workplace has never been more complex, and attracting and retaining quality employees has never been more competitive. All companies have struggled with the economic recession, but the only way to grow is to invest in your people and embrace change as it comes. As I've often said, when you take care of your employees, they take care of you. 


As always we are committed to helping you accomplish your goals and meet your challenges; to provide you with up-to-date, creative and cost-effective solutions to improving your workplace.  


Helping you Chart Your Course!


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Gregory P. Smith

President and Lead Navigator


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Successful Onboarding/Orientation Programs in Healthcare 


The U.S. healthcare industry has long struggled to fill the number of staff vacancies brought on by a rising demand for its services. In the field of nursing, experts project a shortage to spread across the country between 2009 and 2030. In the "United States Registered Nurse Workforce Report Card and Shortage Forecast," published by the American Journal of Medical Quality in January 2012, a state-by-state analysis projected those shortages to be worst in the South and the West.


Children's Healthcare of Atlanta is well known for its employee-focused work culture and programs. The company consistently makes (or tops) best places to work surveys in its industry and region. So how are they dealing with the projected nurse shortage?

CHOA has numerous onboarding practices for its incomings RNs. First, as many new nurses are just graduating, CHOA relies on a graduate acceleration program. While recent graduates are waiting for their license, they perform non-license duties and familiarize themselves with other staff and managers. Second, a nurse residency program provides year-round support to deepen new hire's pediatric experience, better equipping them to meet the unique needs of a pediatric hospital. Third, a senior practicum course allows nursing students to meet residency requirements early on, allowing them to quickly more from student to new hire.


An estimated 47 percent of new RNs at CHOA are recent graduates, which makes the impact of these programs substantial. Here are a few other programs CHOA uses to accelerate employee orientation.

  • Assigned mentors offer a year's support to new graduates
  • Flexible orientation classes available day and night
  • Summer externship programs for rising senior nursing students
  • Streamlined onboarding that gives clinical educators more time to support new hires.

When considering how to help your employees launch successfully into your workplace, think of their needs, and commit to assist them during those first 90 days. The initial work will pay dividends in a committed, established new hire that is now part of the group.


For additional articles and resources click here!

A Manager's Guide to Employee Orientation: The First 30 Days


Prior to starting:

Complete forms. Send a welcome basket or greeting. Answer questions about benefits. Show orientation videos. Familiarize the employee with the company web page and other media outlets.


First Week:

Organize a lunch with coworkers and a manager, plus a meeting with the boss. Send an announcement to the company about the new employee. Give a "go to" list and directory.


First 2 Weeks:  

Give company products like a license plate cover, stationary or other items to boost employee pride. Assign a mentor. Offer free meal coupons. Give benefits in writing. Write an ad or press release to announce the new hire.


First Month:

Survey the employee's morale and progress. Ask questions. Who was most helpful or harmful? Any issues? Any barriers to your success? Complete an individual retention profile. Follow up.


For more great ideas about employee retention, pick up a copy of 401 Proven Ways to Retain Your Best Employees. 




Do you need a speaker, trainer or facilitator for an upcoming meeting or conference? If you want to ensure your next meeting is a huge success, consider Greg Smith!  


Call or email us today to discuss your program needs. And, don't forget to check out our new Web site for a list of dynamic keynotes, workshops and other resources.


 More information

Upcoming Training Opportunities

DISC Certification Training Program  

(Live Webseminar) 


Individual personality styles have a direct impact on our interpersonal relationships at home and at the workplace. People differ from each other in fundamental ways including their values, behaviors, talents, temperaments, wants and beliefs. Our DISC training programs and assessments help you identify these variances, hire the right people, reduce conflict, improve communication and unleash team performance.  


Classes are conducted in three 90-minute sessions.  


Upcoming class dates 


October 9, 15, 17



November 13, 15, 19


Call or email us for more information.

 1-800-821-2487 or 770-860-9464

    Tools and Resources
401 Proven Ways to Retain Your Best Employees!    


This book is packed with loads of practical advice, tips, case studies, suggestions, and examples that not only retain, but also engage and make your people as productive as possible. 



Free U.S. shipping for next 5 days!

More information

The Spirit of Excellence


Providing quality healthcare is more important than ever before. The Spirit of Excellence program is designed for hospitals, physician practices and medical clinics in the health care industry.



 More information



Boosting Employee Engagement 
50 Ways to Motivate and Unleash Employee Performance

Engaged employees stay with their employers, have higher levels of job satisfaction and make significant contributions. This e-book provides over 50 tips, strategies and employee engagement techniques to boost motivation, teamwork and engagement. 

Download your e-book in minutes!

Click here

If you find our information interesting, please send it to your friends. The Navigator newsletter is received by over 35,000 subscribers in 49 countries, in addition to other websites and magazines.


Copyright 2012 by Chart Your Course International--reproduction for publication is encouraged, with the following attribution: "Chart Your Course International, by Gregory P. Smith, Copyright 2012. Sign up and receive free articles, tips and newsletters at Chartcourse.com  (770) 860-9464  (800) 821-2487

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This email was sent to hrzubay.idea@blogger.com by greg@chartcourse.com |  
Chart Your Course International | 2814 Highway 212 | Conyers | GA | 30094


Navigator 193: Three Steps to Manage Conflict in the Workplace

Leadership development, change management,business keynote speaker, keynote speaker: Gregory P. Smith
Navigator #193

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Greg no tie
Greg Smith
Lead Navigator



Lots of exciting things taking place here at CYC International.  Many trips, meetings and conventions coming up.  One of the biggest projects taking place is a total redesign of our website.  We hope to have the new website up and running by the end of the month. In addition, we have created a new website dedicated to products, books and resources.  If you get a chance, check it out at Chart Your Course Store


Also, please welcome Sarah S. Stewart to our crew as our new Public Relations and Marketing Specialist. Stewart has a background in journalism, marketing and social media strategy. She is passionate about leadership development and talent management. We are glad to have her on board.  


Helping you Chart Your Course!


Cathy and Greg on recent trip to Quebec

Gregory P. Smith

President and Lead Navigator


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Three Steps to Manage Conflict in the Workplace

"Conflict is inevitable, combat is optional." - Max Lucado. 


As a leader it is important to know how to deal with conflict in the workplace. Disagreements that go unresolved can hurt productivity and employee morale, while ongoing conflicts consume managers' time. So how should leaders deal with conflict in the workplace? How can they plan ahead using tools and techniques to better understand their employees and help them resolve conflict?


First, it is important for leaders to understand the temperaments, motivations and personalities of their workforce. You can go about this in a haphazard way, but smart leaders harness metrics to identify different work styles and personalities. There are a number of different assessments offered in the today's marketplace. One of the tools Chart Your Course International relies on is the DISC (Dominance, Influence, Steadiness and Compliance) assessment system. Many of our tests can be completed online, in more than 30 different languages, with results available in minutes. With the knowledge gained from these metrics, managers can better understand their staff, set up teams and play to individual strengths.


Second, leaders need to create a system where employees can ask for help with conflicts, and let them know that system exists and that they are encouraged to use it as needed. An example would be putting one HR person or manager in charge of initiating conflict resolution, and circulating that information to employees.


Third, leaders need to deal with conflict as it arises in a professional and constructive manner. Here are a few guidelines from my book "Fired Up: Leading Your Organization to Achieve Exceptional Results."

  1. Talk to each side separately before conducting a mediation.
  2. Set strict guidelines for respectful, unemotional discussion before the meeting.
  3. Focus on the issue, not individual personalities.
  4. Do your research and don't rush a decision.
  5. Encourage the groups to come to a solution they both are comfortable with. 

While conflict is not necessarily fun, it can actually improve relationships, operations and productivity if handled correctly.  


More articles 

Five Conflict Resolution Styles  

According to the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict model, people typically take one of five approaches when dealing with conflict.

  1. Competitive: Conflict is a competition, a debate; winning is more important than work relationships or facts.
  2. Collaborative: Conflict is resolved by the group in a cohesive manner, maintaining relationships and improving operations.
  3. Accommodating: One party or group capitulates, but the issue is not addressed.
  4. Compromising: Both parties make concessions.
  5. Avoiding: Parties avoid discussing the conflict, and leadership allows the issue to fester.

A collaborative resolution is typically the best way to resolve conflict in the workplace. Both parties are heard and the issue is addressed. Based on discussions, facts and mediation, the manager or leader helps find a fair solution that is good for the business and its employees. 

Sarah S. Stewart
Public Relations and Marketing Specialist

Sarah Spears Stewart is now part of the Chart Your Course crew! Stewart has a diverse background in journalism, public relations, photography and graphic design. She spent her early career working as a writer/reporter at The Rockdale Citizen and The Atlanta Business Chronicle. Later, she worked as a communications specialist for The Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning, managing internal communications and writing Web site copy and press releases. A native of Atlanta, Stewart is the author of "Newcomer's Handbook for Moving and Living in Atlanta," an extensive 366-page guide on the city. Stewart is passionate about business and the evolution of today's market due to smart phones, social media, cloud computing and other avenues, which are changing the way companies operate and communicate with both employees and customers. She is excited to join the family at Chart Your Course International, working with Lead Navigator/President Greg Smith to help businesses accelerate their individual and organizational performance. Stewart resides in Marietta, Ga., with her husband and two sons.



Keep us in mind if you need a speaker, trainer or facilitator for an upcoming meeting or conference.

If you want to ensure your next meeting is a huge success, consider Greg Smith. 


Feel free to call Greg or his staff to discuss your program needs or e-mail any questions you might have.  Visit our website for a list of Greg's dynamic keynotes and workshops. 



Upcoming Training Opportunities

DISC Certification Training Program  

(Live Webseminar) 


Individual personality styles and preferences have a direct impact on our interpersonal relationships at home and at the workplace. People differ from each other in fundamental ways including their values, behaviors, talents, temperaments, wants and beliefs. Our DISC training programs and assessments help hire the right people, reduce conflict, improve communication and unleash team performance.  


Upcoming class dates: 

October 9, 15, 17



November 13, 15,  26,  29




Click below or call for more information


800-821-2487 or 770-860-9464

    Tools and Resources
Customer Service Training Programs


Five Customer Service Training Programs for All Industries


Customer service training programs for businesses and healthcare organizations will help you provide exceptional levels of customer service.


Training Programs 


Fired Up! Leading Your Organization to Achieve  Exceptional Results   


Build a high-energy workplace that accelerates performance, generates more profits, increases sales and provides outstanding customer service.



Free U.S. shipping 

More information

TNT for Teams: Dynamic Ways to Reward, Energize & Motivate Your Teams
Money is important, but survey after survey shows the greater importance of appreciation, reward and recognition, and a fun work environment in attracting and retaining the workforce. Over 230 Reward and Recognition Ideas to Improve Job Satisfaction and Employee Engagement! 

$19.95  SALE

If you find our information interesting, please send it to your friends. The Navigator newsletter is received by over 35,000 subscribers in 49 countries, in addition to other websites and magazines.


Copyright 2012 by Chart Your Course International--reproduction for publication is encouraged, with the following attribution: "Chart Your Course International, by Gregory P. Smith, Copyright 2012. Sign up and receive free articles, tips and newsletters at Chartcourse.com  (770) 860-9464  (800) 821-2487

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This email was sent to hrzubay.idea@blogger.com by greg@chartcourse.com |  
Chart Your Course International | 2814 Highway 212 | Conyers | GA | 30094