
Last Chance to Attend Our Webinar - November 17

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Hi zubay 
There are just a few more seats left for our webseminar: "How to Attract, Retain and Motivate Your Workforce."

We will make a recording for those who cannot attend or get a seat.  (100 max)

We often hear that "our people are our most valuable asset." The key to success for our businesses is attracting, hiring and retaining skilled people. Good organizations make employee retention a core element of their management strategy. Those that fail to make it a priority risk losing their employees to the competition. Turnover lowers customer satisfaction and demotivates the team. Author and business consultant Gregory P. Smith will outline an effective talent management strategy that provides a road map for not only attracting and keeping talented employees, but for motivating and engaging them to achieve a higher level of performance and engagement. Greg will provide many tips, practical ideas, and easy-to-implement advice for creating a motivating, high-retention culture. 

Date and Time
Tue, Nov 17, 2015 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM EST

Signature 1
Greg Smith
President & Lead Navigator
Chart Your Course International Inc.
Exceptional Leaders Are Personally Productive
A survey by the Houston Business Journal revealed that 59% of the respondents want to improve their time management and productivity. Leadership is a demanding endeavor which requires focused sustained energy and personal efficiency. Exceptional leaders know that they must be efficient in their personal work and utilize their time effectively to be successful.
Thought Provoker
- Do you have a well-designed, system to manage your time?
- Does this system allow you to work on those important but less urgent matters that will make the difference in your long term success?
- Do you know the full capabilities of your electronic calendar? Some leaders color code their calendar according to functions, goals or values so that they can see how they are using their time.
- Do you re-prioritize as needed do you avoid being whipsawed by extraneous external demands or distractions?
- Do you leverage your time by using others to do things for which they have more expertise so that you can focus on what's really important?
- Do you delegate effectively, maximizing capabilities of administrators and direct reports such that you can focus on high priority big picture areas?
- Do unproductive meetings suck up valuable time?
- Do you have a dedicated time to work email, or are you at the real time mercy of email such that it is more of a distraction than a communication tool?
Exceptional Leaders are constantly looking for ways to be more personally productive.t
Need help with your Leadership Skills? Contact us today!
~ Copyright protected by author Bruce M. Anderson. Reprinted with permission. Thinking Partners Inc.
The Power Of Knowledge
The more you know about what you're doing, the easier it will be to accomplish. This may seem self-explanatory, but many people don't realize that you can always find out more information. It only takes a few minutes to look up something on the internet, consult a reference book, or call up someone you know has experience with the issue you're facing.
Gaining knowledge has other benefits as well. The more you know about a given subject, the better you will be able to focus on your goal and work toward it. You cannot reach your destination if you cannot find the path. Look upon knowledge as the pruning shears of your mental garden, clearing the way for enthusiasm to grow and spread. With the right set of tools, you can accomplish any task easily.
Being committed to achieving your aim is essential to generating a sense of enthusiasm. You should be completely committed to what you're trying to accomplish.
One way to cement your personal commitment is to outline a step-by-step plan for reaching your goals. You can do this with any task, no matter how great or small (though you might save time to generate a mental plan for things like washing the dinner dishes, as it might take you more time to write it all down than it would to actually wash them).
On a sheet of paper - or for monumental tasks such as changing careers, at the beginning of a notebook - note your starting point: where you are now. Leave yourself some space, and then jot down where you want to be and how long you plan on taking to get there. Then go back and break down the process of getting from point A to point B in detailed steps. This not only helps you to visualize reaching your goal, it also allows you to cross steps off as you complete them. Your enthusiasm will be sustained as you move further toward your goal.
While you're writing things down, consider creating a contract with yourself to reach your objective. You can even ask a friend or family member to act as a witness, which will further solidify your intentions to follow through. Your contract can be a simple document stating your promise to yourself, or a detailed map of the things you will do to help yourself reach your goals, with deadline dates for additional motivation and bursts of enthusiasm. Keep your contract posted visibly to remind yourself of your intentions. Every time you see it, you will find yourself eager to achieve your goal and fulfill your contract.t

~ Written for us by our associate Gary Sorrell, Sorrell Associates, LLC. Copyright protected. All rights reserved
DISC Certification Training - Live Online Webinar
Choose which month you would like to attend
December 1, 3, 8, 10 | January 5, 13, 14, 18
3:00-4:30 ET

Master DISC Training Program (2 Days)
DISC Self-Study Training Program
Call or email us for more information.
800-821-2487 or
Improve Your Understanding of Human Behavior - Build Stronger and Lasting Relationships

This online DISC assessment measures 15 behavioral factors that demonstrate HOW people communicate verbally and in their actions, both on and off the job. By understanding how someone interacts with others, you will be able to create better team dynamics, train managers to be more effective, and match people to appropriate positions within the organization. Takes approximately 10 minutes to answer the questions.  Cost: $35

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