
Navigator 189: Effective Leadership Needed During Times of Change

Leadership development, change management,business keynote speaker, keynote speaker: Gregory P. Smith

Navigator #189


Personal Message from the Lead Navigator


Cathy and I just returned from spending a week with our family celebrating our 35th wedding anniversary. I met my wife in college, and it was love at first sight. We have traveled the world together, built several businesses, and raised three children and two grandchildren. I am a lucky man to have such a great partner!

As a favor, I would appreciate if you would "Like" my Facebook fan page. Thanks!

Helping you Chart Your Course!






President and Lead Navigator

Gregory P. Smith


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Keep us in mind if you need a speaker, trainer or facilitator for an upcoming meeting or conference. In addition to Greg, we have several highly capable individuals to provide a wide range of services. Visit our website for a list of Greg's dynamic keynotes and workshops. Contact Cathy for additional information.


Effective Leadership Needed During Times of Change

Businesses and business leaders must be one step ahead of change. Whether you run a small business or a large corporation, you need to be an agent of change.

Unfortunately, many organizations suffer from a lack of leadership. Leadership is both an art and a science. A leader gets others to achieve goals by providing purpose, direction and motivation. The ultimate goal is to lead others to a destination they would not go by themselves.

Rapid changes in technology, an uncertain economy, intense competition, strict regulatory requirements and an increasingly diverse workforce are challenges forcing organizations to adapt quickly to new circumstances. A manager tends to maintain the status quo; whereas, a leader creates and manages chan ge. Unfortunately, many people who were successful in the past do not possess the skills and competencies needed for success today.

These varied factors require strong leadership skills—the ability to lead, not just manage. Famed management consultant and late author Peter Drucker put it bluntly by saying, "Every organization has to prepare for the abandonment of everything it does.” Only through innovation will a company survive in today’s rapidly changing environment. Change in the business world was at one time orderly and incremental. In a routine or a traditional environment, managers do well; however, change is much more dramatic today. Today’s business world demands a leader willing to facilitate change and encourage innovation within his or her company in order to be successful.

How Leaders Make Change Happen

Retired General William Livsey said, "You can assign a person to a leadership position, but no one will ever really be a leader until his appointment is ratified in the hearts and minds of his soldiers.” Leadership is earned. It is not based on titles, position or rank. The business that neglects its people and treats them solely as expendable resources stands to incur the greatest loss.

Your behavior, actions and personal involvement are critical in leading others to change and become more adaptive and innovative. This role cannot be delegated to someone else. Here are some specific actions to consider:

• Read leadership books. Talk about your interest, new awareness and commitment to new ideas to conduct your business.

• Ensure that you make yourself visible in all training courses/programs supporting this new directi on. Consider becoming an instructor or teaching a class to the people in your company.

• Encourage the management team to do the same -- become role models.

• Avoid sending mixed signals. Evaluate your actions and priorities to insure those actions support the new vision.

• Eliminate barriers and bureaucratic procedures that block the way of progress.

• Get personally involved with improvement projects, teams and task forces.

• Spend time with customers and suppliers, as well as with employees and staff discussing these issues. Make these sessions informal, open and friendly.

• Keep an open mind to new ideas and better ways to do business. Be willing to take a few risks just to get more people engaged and involved.

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Tools and Resources
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Copyright 2012 by Chart Your Course International--reproduction for publication is encouraged, with the following attribution: From "Chart Your Course International," by Gregory P. Smith, Copyright 2012. (770) 860-9464  (800) 821-2487


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motivational, training and development, leadership, speaker in the southeast.

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Gregory P. Smith
Chart Your Course International
2814 Hwy 212,SW
Conyers, GA 30094


Solutions for Employee Turnover and Retention

employee retention, job satisfaction, employee retention strategy, employee retention speaker, employee recognition program, employee retention article, employee retention program, employee recruitment and retention, employee retention survey, cost of employee turnover, nursing recruitment and retention, nursing recruitment retention, workforce retention, talent, talented employees, top performers, good employees, best employees, key employees, employee turnover, employee motivation, employee morale, job satisfaction, absenteeism, motivation in the workplace, talent management




Transforming Your Workforce from High-Turnover to High-Retention



Learn the Secrets of Employee Retention in Today's Workplace


Transforming Your Workforce from High-Turnover to High-Retention


Here Today, Here Tomorrow shows people how to create work environments that attract, retain, and motivate their workforce to higher levels of performance. The book outlines the eight elements of a high-retention workplace, provides a detailed, step-by-step retention strategy, and shows you how to implement it.


It also offers dozens of case studies and hundreds of tips and ideas from a wide range of industries and businesses. This information will help you reduce turnover costs, improve retention, and increase job satisfaction.

Two Important Themes Permeate this Book

First, retention matters. A continual effort to replace departing workers--keeping the revolving door full, instead of stopping it altogether--is bleeding businesses dry. It's expensive to constantly replace people. The cost of attracting, recruiting, hiring, training, and getting new people up to speed is tremendously more costly and more wasteful than most realize.

Second, productivity is directly tied to retention. Companies with high turnover are at risk for low productivity. Studies from the Gallup organization show employees who have an above-average attitude toward their work will generate 38 percent higher customer satisfaction scores, 22 percent higher productivity, and 27 percent higher profits for their companies.

In this book, you'll read about companies with work environments that attract and retain people--and where people are willing to give their best. These environments aren't expensive. In fact, they save money.  In most cases, they improve retention and productivity without lavish salaries or bonuses. And they certainly lower the expense of continually hiring and training new people.

You Will Receive Loads of Practical Advice and Tons of Retention Tips and Ideas

Unlike many books that only offer theory and generalities, this book provides practical advice and ideas from a wide range of businesses and industries. The author is a management consultant and works with hundreds of organizations. Here Today has captured this experience and makes the application process simple for you.

If you are a manager, you will appreciate the many tips provided to you at the end of each chapter. They will help you become a better manager.


Here Today, Here Tomorrow Will Show You How To . . .

  • Implement an employee retention strategy to retain your top people

  • Use recognition programs to improve motivation and reduce turnover

  • Design an effective employee orientation program to reduce new employee turnover

  • Improve cooperation and reduce conflict between the Gen X, Y, and the Baby Boomers

  • Become an employer of choice organization

  • Use creative incentives to get people to work harder and stay with you longer

  • Give people more meaning and purpose at work

  • Improve communication in your organization

  • Use "People Development Charts" to create career ladders in your company

  • Use employee engagement programs that energize and engage your workforce

  • Understand the critical benefits working parents expect and need from their employers
    and much more . . .

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Here Today....Gone Tomorrow!


Chapter 2: Retentionship: A New Strategy Based on Action


Chapter 3: Provide a Clear Sense of Direction and Purpose


Chapter 4: Become a Better Leader by Showing Me You Care


Chapter 5: Flexible Benefits Build a More Loyal and Productive Workforce


Chapter 6: Keep the Doorways and Pathways of Communication Open


Chapter 7: Create a Charged Work Environment that Energizes and Engages the Workforce

Chapter 8: Performance Management Transforms Workers to Winners


Chapter 9: Reward and Recognition Programs Lead to Higher Retention


Chapter 10: Help People Move Up or They Will Move Out


Chapter 11: Implementing the High-Retention Workplace


Appendix A: Chart Your Course Workforce Retention Survey Results

Appendix B: Individual Retention Profile

Appendix C: Awards and Recognition Resource List


Go here for complete chapter outline


What People Are Saying About Here Today, Here Tomorrow!


"Greg provides a comprehensive road map for not only attracting and keeping talented employees, but for motivating them to achieve a higher level of performance."

David Shadovitz
Human Resource Executive Magazine


"Today's work force brings many things to the table, creative thinking, new ideas, boundless energy and some issues that have not been dealt with in the past. Continually it is made apparent that employees are not willing to follow in the footsteps of prior generations. Here Today, Here Tomorrow is an outstanding tool for learning an employee retention approach that works across generations and ensures a successful future."

Donna J. Murphy
Senior Vice President
Jefferson Bank


"Greg Smith has packed a ton of useful information into this little book.  He makes a convincing case for retaining those employees we work so hard to recruit.  No matter your organization, you can find dozens of useful ideas for treating people right and providing the benefits that matter to them.  If this book had been available years ago, many leaders could have avoided much trial and error."


Dr. Carl Patton

President, Georgia State University


"This is a must read for executives and business owners. No matter what size company you work in the key to business success is attracting, keeping, and motivating your workforce. This book provides all those answers and more and will make a measurable difference on your bottom line and in your organization's future success."


Embree Robinson, President & CEO

TRC Staffing Services, Inc.


Act Immediately and Receive the Following Bonuses

Act Immediately and Receive the Following Bonuses

BONUSES! In addition to the book your will also receive:

Bonus #1- Employee retention organizational assessment.  Use this assessment to evaluate your organization on the eight factors driving high retention.


Bonus #2 - Employee Turnover Cost Calculator. This calculator will show you how much you are spending on turnover.


Bonus #3 - Report on the top-ten reasons employees quit their jobs.


Bonus #4 - The latest six-page Job Satisfaction and Employee Retention survey on what attracts, keeps and motivates employees. (You also will get a 7-page report listing what healthcare organizations are doing to improve staff retention)


Bonus #5 - Three page white paper called, "How to Make Work Fun"

You will receive these bonuses immediately after making your purchase.


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Here Today Here Tomorrow


Soft cover book



(plus shipping)

270 pages

Here Today Here Tomorrow


E-book Version

(Immediate Download:  Within 60 Seconds)



You can also order the book from Amazon, but it does not come with the bonuses.

Call 800-821-2487 for questions or information

Click Here for Other Employee Retention Resources

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Gregory P. Smith, Editor, Navigator Newsletter
2814 Hwy 212, SW  Conyers, GA  30094  USA - 770-860-9464


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Copyright 2006 by Chart Your Course International--reproduction for publication is encouraged, with the following attribution: From "Chart Your Course International," by Gregory P. Smith, copyright 2007. (770)860-9464 or www.chartcourse.com.

Gregory P. Smith
Chart Your Course International
2814 Hwy 212,SW
Conyers, GA 30094

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