
2022: Don't Waste Your New Year!

Creating Great Places To Work!
Online Training Courses
Online Training Courses
25% Off
This is the last month to take advantage of this sale. We created a completely new online training system. There are over 125 different online courses now available to your organization. Everything from Covid, customer service to leadership. Courses are as low as $15.00.
Price Increase is Coming!
As the final quarter of 2021 is upon us and 2022 planning is in full swing, we want to let you know that we will be raising assessment prices beginning February 1, 2022. While we really wish we didn’t have to raise them, we haven’t done so in almost a decade and have absorbed the increases we’ve experienced. We are currently working on updating our price sheet and will provide it as soon as it is complete so you may plan accordingly.

If you’d like to lock in the current price, we will offer a pre-purchase option on a block of assessments if purchased before January 31. These assessments don’t expire so they could be used throughout 2022 and beyond. This is a nice option for clients that have budget money they want to spend before the end of the year. Please contact us for details if you’re interested.

We are tremendously grateful for your continued business and partnership.

Are You Thinking Like A Scientist?
If you are a CEO of a business, there are many important decisions that you must make. How are you considering and deciphering them? On a whim or are you thinking about them in a different more methodical way? For instance, like a scientist. They make informed and data-backed decisions.

What Kind Of Thinker Are You?
It is a stressful job to have so many vital decisions weighing on your shoulders. Whether you are good at it or not, you may be concerned about the outcome in the back of your head. Quick and thoughtless decisions are not always the best ones to make. Many considerations go into making a good decision.

A way to make sure that you are making the most informed and thoughtful decision that you can for your company is to create a checklist in your head. Go down the list and answer the questions. For example:

      Am I Thinking With Humility?
      Am I Thinking With Confidence?
      Am I Being Biased?
      Do I Have Data To Back Up My Decision?
      Is This My Opinion or My True Consideration?

Be Open and Welcoming
A good CEO understands the importance of being humble. You don’t want to shut out everyone and not be considerate of their opinions. Though you do not have to please everyone, and everyone will have their own personal opinion. But, it is considerate to everyone and how they feel.

Don’t sway once you have come to your decision and feel confident in what you have decided. Let your staff know what your decision is and why you made it. Back it up with factual information. Don’t wear your feelings on your sleeve; let everyone have their own opinions. That is okay; if everyone thought the same, this would be a boring world.

Viewing Business Like A Scientist
To think like a scientist, you have to know what they would do. Some of the points they would make are:

      Market Analysis and Intelligence
      A/B Testing
      Internal Data
      Key Performance Indicators
      Financial Projection

Data is a big part of decision-making in scientists, so that means they will have their data clear and laid out. You, too, can think like a scientist. Put these tips and tricks into action when making decisions for your company. The difference of opinions to challenge your thoughts is not always a bad idea.
~ Written for us by our associate Gary Sorrell, Sorrell Associates, LLC. Copyright protected. All rights reserved
Valuable Time!
Are you an individual who cannot seem to effectively manage your time? If you are having problems at home or at work, there is a good chance that your problems may be caused by your inability to properly manage your time. The good news, however, is that there are several steps you can take to improve your time management. Here are 8 simple steps that you can take.

1. Know That You Have a Problem – Knowing that you have a time management problem is the first step in changing your behavior. Although it is typical to be late for work or a social event on occasion, it is something that should not be happening on a daily or a weekly basis. If it is, it is time for you to realize that you may have a problem.

2. Decide to Change – Knowing that you have a time management problem is important but wanting to change is even more important. You need to set goals for yourself, as these goals can help to provide you with a source of motivation. Sample goals include showing up to work on time for a whole month, being on time for all dinner dates, and so forth.

3. Stick to Your Goals – Creating a few time management goals for you to meet is advised, but it is important that you do not give up right away or when you are faced with complications. Setting goals simply isn’t enough, you need to stick with them.

4. Create Daily Task Lists – Creating a ‘To Do’ list for yourself is an uncomplicated way to properly manage your time. In fact, it is one of the easiest approaches that you can take. Outline what you need to do throughout the day. Be sure to list your tasks in order of importance.

5. Rely on Time Management Tools – Properly managing your time is important, but it can be hard for many individuals to get used to, especially right away. If you are one of those individuals, you will want to consider using time management tools to your advantage. In fact, did you know that many cell phones and computers come with alarm clocks, alerts, and so much more?

6. Learn How to Say ‘No’ – In all honesty, there are times where you may not be able to refuse a project at work or a task at home but try not to take on more than you can accomplish. If you must, investigate using outside help. In the home, this outside help can come from a housecleaner. At the workplace, this outside help can come from a coworker.

7. Get Organized – Organization is key to being able to effectively manage your time. If you are unorganized, you are likely to waste a large amount of time. For example, in the workplace, you can waste time searching for lost or misplaced documents. The same can be said for the home; if you are unorganized, you can spend hours searching for your glasses or car keys.

8. Consider Hiring Professional Help – As previously stated, if you are overwhelmed at home, you may want to call on a professional housecleaner. In addition to taking this approach, there are other professionals that you can target. There are individuals and companies who specialize in teaching others how to effectively manage their time and stay organized.
~ Written for us by our associate Gary Sorrell, Sorrell Associates, LLC. Copyright protected. All rights reserved
Live DISC Certification Training Webinar 
  • Includes Facilitator Materials
  • Discounts for government, military, and multiple participants are available

February 7,14,21,28
March 7,14,21,28
April 4,11,18,25
May 2,9,16,23
June 6,13.20,27

(12:00 - 1:30 EST)

Virtual Master DISC Training Program (5 days)

Oct 11-15
Dec 6-10

Our Master class is now taught in a virtual mode from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm for all five days.
Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Training & Certification 
Our emotional intelligence training program is delivered by Jennifer C. Zamecki, an Accredited Certified Professional Coach who has a wealth of knowledge and 20 + years of experience using these tools in both large global organizations & small companies. 
Thanks for Reading!
The Navigator Newsletter is the free newsletter from Greg Smith the Lead Navigator, author, speaker and organizational development consultant, along with his team of experts at Chartcourse.com. If you like it, please forward a copy to a friend. 
Copyright © 2021. All Rights Reserved. 

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