
How To Transition Into A Leadership Role...

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I don't know about you, but this month is when I think about heading to the beach. I am tired of the winter weather and want to go some where warm.  Any suggestions?

Just a reminder March 2 is Employee Appreciation Day.  Make sure you are a good organization to work for.  If employees like where they work there are fewer chances of them abandoning ship and leaving you for another employer.   Check out this article on job satisfaction. 

I would love to hear what you are doing to attract and retain your workforce. Who knows...you may be featured in a new book.

Helping you chart your course....

Gregory P. Smith
President and Lead Navigator
Chart Your Course International Inc.
Free DISC Refresher Class

Please register for DISC Refresher Class on Feb 27, 2018 3:00 PM EST  

Individual behavior styles and our emotional intelligence (soft skills) have a direct impact on our interpersonal relationships in the workplace. Individuals differ from each other in fundamental ways including their values, behaviors, talents, temperaments, wants and beliefs. Our webinar will review the key aspects of DISC, emotions and review DISC graphs. Open to anyone interested.
How To Transition Into A Leadership Role
Congratulations, you're transitioning into a new leadership role! While this may seem like a challenge, there are things to consider for a more seamless transition. As a new leader, the first impression you make with your team is crucial.
Get things started off on the right foot and remember the following:
Mistakes Are Inevitable
No one is perfect which means that you'll make some mistakes. Own up to them with your team. Apologize for the error rather than make excuses. Further, you'll want to correct the situation quickly and then put it to rest.
Awkward Moments
New leadership roles can render some awkward moments. Your team will be use to the way things have been run in the past and it may be a challenge to win them over. People are often resistant to change. Don't let the awkwardness deter you from leading your staff well.
Different Opinions
Not everyone will agree with your decisions. Listen to the differing opinions of your team, validate their concerns, and adjust your plan if you see a need. As a leader, you will not always make everyone happy.
Stay Accessible
Make yourself accessible to your team. If you want to be an effective leader, then people need to feel comfortable enough to approach you. Take a sincere interest in your team and get to know them. Your efforts will be noticed and appreciated.
Provide Consistent Support
Encourage, support and coach your team in order to train them in their roles. If you choose a bossy approach, then you could lose their interest and respect. Listen to your staff and consider their feedback in order to foster continued growth.
Be a Fast Learner
As a new leader, you should attempt to learn your role quickly. Utilize the resources provided by your company and embrace any training they may offer. Don't be shy to ask questions if it helps you to transition as a leader.
The Golden Rule
Treat people like you want to be treated, as the old saying goes. Reflect upon how you felt as an employee before you took on the new leadership role. Try to think of things to implement that would improve your team's overall work experience.
As a new leader, you must believe in yourself and the message you have to share. The confidence that you exude will give your team a greater peace of mind. Finally, lead them well, and give yourself and your employees some grace during the transition. v
~ Written for us by our associate Gary Sorrell, Sorrell Associates, LLC. Copyright protected. All rights reserved
Master DISC Training Program (2 Days)
Online DISC Certification Training Webinar 
Choose the best time for you to attend:
March 12, 15, 19, 26 | April 9, 16, 23, 30 | May 7, 14, 21, 28 | April 9, 16, 23, 30 | May 7, 14, 21, 2
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