
Upcoming Webinar: The Millennial Workforce

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The Millennial Workforce: Understanding Their Emotional Makeup (EQ)

The Millennial generation is currently the largest generation in the workforce.  They represent both a challenge and an opportunity. It has been said that the EQ (or understanding of Emotional Intelligence) will trump having a high IQ due to the power of Emotional Intelligence to assist in collaboration and productivity. This learning opportunity will shed some light on today's Millennials EQ and a few tips on how they can increase it. Especially, if they want to fast track to leadership positions.

Who should attend: Millennials & those who supervise them or work with them.

Presenters: Jennifer Zamecki & Greg Smith
Time: 1:30 - 2:15
Signature 1  
Gregory P. Smith
President & Lead Navigator
Chart Your Course International Inc.

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How Do Great Leaders Get More Done In Meetings?
You can tell quite a bit about a leader based on how they conduct meetings. If you can improve the discussions, solutions, and team morale through team meetings, you'll be more effective at running your business as a whole.
Consider the following 4 things to get more done in meetings:
1. Clearly define the purpose.
If you can't establish an objective for a meeting, then you should not hold one. Think through what you would like to convey to your team and accomplish before you schedule the time.
A good rule of thumb is to focus your meeting on S.M.A.R.T goals, which is an acronym for specific, measurable, achievable, results-focused, and time-bound goals. By following this model, you will be able to hold meetings that are beneficial for both your team and the company's mission.
Meetings should not be a surprise for employees. Send out an agenda in advance for their review so they are prepared to discuss the matters at hand.
2. Select a decision maker.
Each meeting agenda that is sent out should include the name of a decision maker. This person has a key role because they will help facilitate the follow through and how decisions are carried out.
Leaders must select a decision maker to increase accountability and ensure that action items make it to completion.
3. Leaders should be role models.
When in a leadership role, your attitude and habits are often reflected amongst the team. Be a good role model. In other words, you'll want to listen well, be truthful, admit when you're wrong and ensure that the meeting stays appropriate and on task.
Strong leaders keep commitments. You should always start on time and end on time so that you set clear expectations that are consistent. Staff members will know you mean business and that you respect their time by staying on schedule.
4. Follow up is essential.
Follow up is an amazing and underutilized tool in many companies today. After each meeting, the leader should send out a memo that recaps the discussion and action items. You'll save time, money and have less confusion if you follow up to be sure that everyone is on the same page.
No one wants to waste time in a fruitless meeting where there is no clear purpose or call to action. As a leader, you can accomplish more in meetings if you are intentional, organized, and lead by example.v
Remember time is money and should not be wasted! Have a fantastic and productive meeting!
~ Written for us by our associate Gary Sorrell, Sorrell Associates, LLC. Copyright protected. All rights reserved
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