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Gregory P. Smith Lead Navigator & President
Hi zubay 
It is hard to believe summer is almost at an end.  Where does time go?  I hope you made time for a fun summer vacation.  

We are in the final planning stages of planning an Employee Retention webinar.  If you don't mind, give me an idea if this is something you or your company is interested in. 

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Greg Smith
President & Lead Navigator
Chart Your Course International Inc.
The Importance Of Soft Skills In The Workplace

There are a great number of people entering the workforce that lack soft skills. These necessary skills are lacking in many people that are just graduating college and taking on professional jobs. Why is this a problem and what can we as employers do about it?

What Are The Soft Skills That Employees Lack?

Soft skills include relationship building, motivation, attitude, character, and anything to do with emotional development. These skills have nothing to do with an employee's trade abilities. Soft skills are learned by interacting in society and part of a social upbringing. It is the ability to interact with others in an effective and productive way.

Why Are Soft Skill Lacking in The Upcoming Generation of Employees?

We are definitely living in a disconnected society. Not only do the younger generations have a problem with soft skills, but employees of all ages have not spent enough time developing these skills.

In a day and age where we do drive by chats and digital communication, it has taken away the need for small talk. We get in and get out with the bit of information we are seeking. All the while, personal relationships are lacking.

How Do We Help Our Employees Develop These Necessary Skills?

As leaders in a company, it is our job to help employees gain the necessary skills to do the job. It is difficult when it comes to teaching soft skills. There are some training courses you can look for that will help with some of these skills. Other than that, it will take some real creativity to help develop these skills. Here are some things you can try.

  • Lead by example - it is very important that you set the tone for your office culture. Show employees what soft skills you value. You can't be an (inside the office) office manager. Instead, you must be out with the team members actively engaging them.

  • Have office get-togethers - to help build a team, you need to have times you meet outside of work. Figure out what works best for your staff and put together outings or parties for the staff to mingle.

  • Pair people in teams - in some jobs, pairing people up on tasks will give your staff the chance to work with someone else and build soft skills in the process.

  • Meet regularly and address issues - it is important to meet with your team on a regular basis. This gives you a chance to address issues. Be sure you talk about soft skills that you want your team to exhibit. If there seems to be problems with customer relations, address the issues and state specifically how they should be resolved.

Building soft skills in our team is an important part of a successful business. It will take time and determination, but it will happen if you make it a priority. t

Need help with your soft skills? Contact us today! 


~ Written by Gary Sorrell, Sorrell Associates, LLC. Copyright protected worldwide. All rights reserved.

Leaders Will Invest In Talent

Talent analytics or Human resources analytics is a hot topic right now for companies. Businesses are using this data to meet the need within the company. It is predicted that in 2015 and 2016, the collecting and using of data will continue to grow.

What is Talent Analytics?

Talent analytics uses data that is collected about employees. The information collected can include hire date, training received, and other patterns. This data is then used to manage the team so that a company's goals can be reached.

What is the Data Used For?

With the data, a company captures people related issues. Once the information is gathered, it can be used to make predictions of who may leave the organization in the near future. It can also be used to determine an employee's competencies. The information can clue you in to whether or not an individual will advance if sent through training.

The data can be used to answer the bigger question, "what is the correlation between people and their performance?" This information can help you to predict top performers as well as why those people leave the company.

It is Important to Use an Analytic System That Stores the Data Centralized

Many companies have the data they need to run reports that will help them answer big questions. The problem lies in the fact that the information is not stored in a centralized location.

Using software that can gather all in the information in one place is the right solution. The data can then be compiled to give the insights needed to make decisions and predictions for the company.

It is important to note that the analytics can give you a lot of insight into your employees. However, the information has to be updated on a regular basis to reflect changes in staff. Not updating the data can cause the predictions to be skewed.

When a corporation properly captures, stores, and manages the data collected, it can serve as a way to improve the business. HR departments should invest the time and resources in talent data.

The more efficiently you run your company, the more profitable you will be. t

If you have any questions about this article, or how we can help you with Talent Analytics, contact us today! 

~ Written by Gary Sorrell, Sorrell Associates, LLC. Copyright protected worldwide. All rights reserved.

Live Online Webinar
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Upcoming Class Dates:
September 2, 8, 10, 14
November 2, 4, 9, 11
December 1, 3, 8, 10

3:00-4:30 ET

Master DISC Training Program (2 Days)

September 15-16 (Raleigh-Durham)
DISC Self-Study Training Program
Call or email us for more information.
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Improve Your Understanding of Human Behavior - Build Stronger and Lasting Relationships

This online DISC assessment measures 15 behavioral factors that demonstrate HOW people communicate verbally and in their actions, both on and off the job. By understanding how someone interacts with others, you will be able to create better team dynamics, train managers to be more effective, and match people to appropriate positions within the organization. Takes approximately 10 minutes to answer the questions.  Cost: $35

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