
Five Rules for Giving Feedback to Your Employees

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Gregory P. Smith
Lead Navigator
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I hope everyone had a productive January. Business at Chart Your Course International has kicked into high gear, with engagements all over the United States. I spoke to a group in Montana earlier this month. With waist-high snow conditions, I even went dog sledding and drove a snow mobile; entertaining subject matter for a future article! Also, I was able to attend a conference in beautiful Arizona with some lifelong colleagues to focus on best practices in organizational development and leadership training.


Employee engagement was a hot topic at both events. Considering the still uncertain economy and myriad obstacles on the horizon, businesses need engaged, motivated, innovative employees who can elevate their company's performance.   

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International would love to help you develop a strategy to motivate your employees and drive performance. Visit our website or call us today at (770) 860-9464 or (800) 821-2487.

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Gregory P. Smith

President and Lead Navigator


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Five Rules for Giving Employees Feedback

We all know how to praise and reward, but giving constructive criticism to your employees is also important.  


Addressing a problem can be awkward, and many managers avoid criticizing their staff until a problem swells out of control. This is poor leadership and can be avoided by guiding employees' performance with consistent feedback. When done correctly, constructive criticism can help steer your staff, setting them on a path to success.


Here are some guidelines for giving feedback to your employees:

  1. Be consistent. As I said, too many managers avoid giving criticism to their employees and stick solely to giving praise. However, by doing this, they set themselves up for trouble. Managers and staff should be accustomed to receiving feedback (it's called communication!) on an ongoing basis. "Hey Sam, can you do a little more of this or a little less of that? I see this is working for you, I notice you are struggling with that. How can I help?" If the dialogue is ongoing, it won't be awkward when you have to give criticisms.
  2. Think feedback, not criticism. Consider how you frame your constructive criticisms. Consider the word "feedback" as a more cooperative alternative. Feedback is a two-way exchange- a conversation where people can learn and grow. The manager gives feedback to the employee, the employee in turn gives feedback to the manager, and we all work together to solve the problem.
  3. Be curious. Avoid assuming you know what's going on with an employee or a staff situation. Go into a talk with an open mind and be curious. Ask questions and listen carefully to the answers. In life and in work, situations and problems are often not what they seem at first glance. After talking to your employee, offer your sincere help. Ask them, "What do you need from me to get this job done? How can I help you with this? How can I help you succeed?"

To finish reading this article click here!  

Industry Report: Employee Engagement

Did you know that engaged employees might also be healthier? According to a January 2013 Gallup Poll they are! The agency asked 350,000 workers nationwide 12 questions about their lifestyle habits, and whether they were: engaged at work, not engaged, or actively disengaged.  


Those reporting that they were engaged scored higher on healthy eating habits, exercise, and participation in wellness programs. The implications for businesses: having an engaged workforce means less sick days and lower healthcare costs.    


If you need a plan to better engage your employees, contact us today to help you create a high-retention, high-performance workplace!    

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This email was sent to hrzubay.idea@blogger.com by greg@chartcourse.com |  
Chart Your Course International | 2814 Highway 212, SW | Conyers | GA | 30094

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