
The Death of Twinkie, Lincoln on the Big Screen, and DISC Certifications

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Greg no tie
Greg Smith
Lead Navigator



CAPTAIN OF THE SHIP                                        Buoy  


For those in the states, I hope you had a nice Thanksgiving with friends and family. Cathy and I were lucky enough to have all our children and grandchildren join us for the traditional meal of deep fried turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie.      


Starting next week, we have a number of DISC certification training opportunities available. Internationally recognized, our DISC certification training and DISC assessments are designed to help you hire the right people, reduce conflict, improve communication and unleash team performance. If you haven't signed up, please do and prepare to reap the benefits! Click here or scroll down for specific times and dates.  


As always, we would love to partner with you in equipping your people for success, so feel free to contact us any time. Visit our website or call us at (770) 860-9464 or (800) 821-2487.


Helping you Chart Your Course!


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Gregory P. Smith

President and Lead Navigator


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The Death of Twinkie, Lincoln on the Big Screen, and DISC Certifications

Anyone can hold the helm when the sea is calm. -Publilius Syrus


A November U.S. Gallup poll reports that workers remain largely unsatisfied at their jobs. The poll had participants rank 13 factors such as work safety, flexibility of hours, chances of promotion and pay. Workers biggest complaints were on-the-job stress, insufficient benefits and low wages. Meanwhile, workers were happiest with flexible hours, co-worker relationships and safe work environments.


Considering the difficult and changing job market, the numbers aren't surprising. In a grand example of the breakdown between management and workers, Hostess Brands recently declared bankruptcy after failed negotiations with its striking workers. The incident incited a host of postmortem commentaries placing blame on poor management or unreasonable unions. If the Twinkie can't make it in this economy - we are in BIG trouble.


One thing is certain, leadership in the workplace has never been more important. Leaders are the only people who can navigate businesses through these tough times. Workers need leaders, not managers, who can communicate the shared mission of the company, and inspire loyalty and a collective spirit to innovate and perform in difficult times.


So what makes a great leader? Theodore Roosevelt said, "The best executive is the one who has sense enough to pick good men to do what he wants done, and self-restraint enough to keep from meddling with them while they do it." Bill Gates said, "As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others." In my book "The New Leader," I describe innovative leaders as those who span a narrow gap between two key areas: a passion for action and a passion for people.


U.S. President Abraham Lincoln is revered for his leadership during one of the toughest times in our country's history. Guiding our country through civil war, he led with conviction, compassion and humility. He cared equally about his country, the cause and the people. As a result, people all over the world believed in Lincoln and his cause, and he was able to reunite a country bitterly divided.


If leaders are made and not born, we can all learn and strive to be better leaders in order to guide our businesses and employees through challenging times. Click here to learn about nine traits that innovative leaders share.


Let us know if we can help you design a talent management strategy for your organization. Email us. 


 For additional articles and resources click here!

Upcoming Training Opportunities


DISC Certification Training Program  

Individual personality styles have a direct impact on our interpersonal relationships at home and at the workplace. People differ from each other in fundamental ways including their values, behaviors, talents, temperaments, wants and beliefs. Our DISC training programs and assessments help you identify these variances, hire the right people, reduce conflict, improve communication and unleash team performance.  


Classes are conducted in four, 90-minute sessions.  


Upcoming class dates 


Dec. 3, 5, 10

  3 - 4:30 p.m. ET  


Jan. 14, 16, 24

  3 - 4:30 p.m. ET 


Cost: $1195 per person
Cost: $895
Call or email us for more information.

 1-800-821-2487 or 770-860-9464

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Copyright 2012 by Chart Your Course International--reproduction for publication is encouraged, with the following attribution: "Chart Your Course International, by Gregory P. Smith, Copyright 2012." Sign up and receive free articles, tips and newsletters at our website or call us at (770) 860-9464 or (800) 821-2487.

This email was sent to hrzubay.idea@blogger.com by greg@chartcourse.com |  
Chart Your Course International | 2814 Highway 212 | Conyers | GA | 30094

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