
*You Cannot Just Hire Them and Forget Them | Navigator 191

Leadership development, change management,business keynote speaker, keynote speaker: Gregory P. Smith


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I am always amazed how one person can make a powerful difference in the success of a business and the lives of others. On a recent trip, I was staying at a large conference hotel in the heart of San Francisco. If possible, I try to avoid hotel restaurants. Most hotel food is bland, boring and overpriced to me, every hotel restaurant in the world looks the same. If you spend as much time in hotels as I do, you want to see something different, so I like to venture out and find quaint places to eat—something with personality.

On this trip, I allowed myself some free time to do a little sightseeing. I
stumbled across this diner called Lori’s j ust a block from my hotel. It looked like a place where the locals ate, so I popped in and took a seat. I liked it so well I ate breakfast there twice during my stay. One particular server captured my attention. His name was Humberto Ortiz. You could tell he was one of those guys who took pride in what he did. He buzzed around the diner like a lightning bug. He had an energy about him you don’t often see. The other employees respected him and he had a compelling sense of authority about him. His friendly manner made you feel important and welcome. The food was good, but the reason I came back was Humberto. He was the primary factor that transformed the restaurant from average to exceptional.

How many Humberto’s do you have working for you? Have you identified your high performers? Whether you hire server s in the restaurant business or sales people for your pharmaceutical company, it all begins by identifying and hiring the RIGHT people. Research shows high performing employees out-perform their average coworkers by a huge margin. Humberto was one of those star employees. In this economy, you cannot afford to hire just average people. It is laughable to me when I see organizations who still base their hiring decisions only on a resume/job application and an interview. You have to go the extra step. You must identify the personal skills, motivations and experience needed for success in each position.

It would be short-sighted of me to end here by saying the process stops once you hire exceptional employees. You can’t just hire them and then forget them. You have to develop, reward and recognize them while also providing them opportunities for growth and development. This is part of the talent management process.

Top performers have more option s. If you don’t take care of them, they will be the first ones to quit. Hire good people and help them reach superstar status so that they stay with your company as long as possible. As a result, your business will be rewarded with happier, more productive employees who in turn keep customers coming back to spend more money.

The quickest way to destroy your business is to surround your good people with low performing managers and coworkers. It is not rocket science, but so few businesses apply the process.

Let us know if we can help you identify, hire and retain top talent for your organization. Make sure you don’t miss the How to Attract and Retain Your Top Talent webseminar coming up.

Helping you Chart Your Course!






President and Lead Navigator

Gregory P. Smith


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How to Attract and Retain Top Talent Webseminar


As the economy rebounds, organizations are seeing their most promising talent abandon ship. In a recent article that appeared in Harvard Business Review, the authors indicate:


-One in four plans on leaving within the year

-One in three is not putting their entire effort in their job

-One in five believe their personal goals are quite different from what the organization has planned for them

-Four out of ten have little confidence in their senior leadership and coworkers


The key to success for any organization is the ability to attract and retain skilled and talented people. Those that fail to make employee retention a priority now risk losing their most talented people to the competition. This webseminar shows you how to design an effective employee retention strategy that provides a road map for not only attracting and keeping talented employees but also for motivating and engaging them to achieve a higher level of performance. This session is jam-packed with tips, ideas and easy-to-implement advice for creating a high-retention culture.

Thursday, August 23

3:00-4:00 p.m. ET


No Charge/Complimentary

Limited to the first 100 people!


DISC Certification Training Program
(Live Webseminar)

Individual personality styles and preferences have a direct impact on our interpersonal relationships at home and at the workplace. People differ from each other in fundamental ways including their values, behaviors, talents, temperaments, wants and beliefs. Our DISC training programs and assessments help hire the right people, reduce conflict, improve communication and unleash team performance.

Our live web based DISC training program is a popular choice for those who would prefer to avoid travel and enjoy the convenience of a webinar format. Classes are conducted in three, 90 minutes sessions.

Upcoming dates:

August 13, 16, 20
3:00-4:30 ET

September 4, 6, 10
3:00-4:30 ET

Cost: $895 per person

Click below or call for more information

800-821-2487 or 770-860-9464

Bright Ideas Campaign

Capture hundreds of employee suggestions in a three-week campaign

The Bright Ideas Campaign is a high-powered process that captures hundreds of cost-savings suggestion and ideas from your workforce during a short time period. This is a self-contained program that makes idea collection easy and effective. Learn more about how this Campaign can be customized to meet your needs.


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Icebreakers and Teambulding Exercises - BEST SELLER

How many meetings have you attended that are just the same old thing -- boring gatherings you can't wait to leave! Here is an opportunity to make your next meeting, class or team building event something dynamic and interesting.

Click here

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Copyright 2012 by Chart Your Course International--reproduction for publication is encouraged, with the following attribution: From "Chart Your Course International," by Gregory P. Smith, Copyright 2012. (770) 860-9464  (800) 821-2487


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motivational, training and development, leadership, speaker in the southeast.

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Gregory P. Smith
Chart Your Course International
2814 Hwy 212,SW
Conyers, GA 30094

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