
Join Our Driving Forces Certification Workshop

Creating Great Places To Work!
Driving Forces Certification
What keeps people motivated? Discover what motivates and drives your employees. When you experience the 12 Driving Forces, you will start to understand the “WHY” behind people’s actions.

You can release an individual’s potential by using the 12 Driving Forces assessment tool to solve many of your professional development challenges.  

Attend two sessions and gain your certification.

The Ultimate Guide to Working From Home
Everything you need to work remotely—for an employer or yourself

Even before the global pandemic of 2020 made working from home commonplace for millions, a growing number of employees had been saying goodbye to their onerous commutes. Thanks to ever-evolving technologies like Skype, FaceTime, Slack, Zoom, Google Hangouts, authenticator apps, and cloud computing—not to mention texting and email—it’s no longer necessary to be in an office full time to be a productive member of the team. Many types of work can be done just as effectively, if not more so, from a home office.
As appealing as remote work is to employees, employers also recognize the benefits from their side of the desk. Companies with work-from-anywhere policies can boost employee productivity, reduce turnover, and lower organizational costs, according to recent research at Harvard Business School.1 Telecommuting workers with very complex jobs who don’t require a lot of collaboration or social support can perform better than their office-based counterparts. Also, in the event of a natural or manmade disaster, a distributed workforce is in a better position to keep operations running, even if some of the group goes offline.


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Expand and Grow Your Consulting Business.
Learn to start, run and grow your consulting empire today! You will double your income with the training I give you.

Building Digital Dexterity Into Your Workforce
Prior to 2020, working remotely at home was almost unheard of unless you were a private business owner or worked overseas. Today the realities of the Covid-19 pandemic have changed the game. Many companies have transitioned into a work environment that supports remote work-from-home scenarios, hybrid office days, and digital meetings. During the beginning of the pandemic, many mid-sized companies found ways to cut spending on travel, training, promotions, marketing, hiring across the board with the expectation of digital technologies. The expense for employees significantly increased as work became more digital. The expense continues as companies continue to utilize a hybrid digital-work scenario.

Though companies will do their best to meet this growing need for technological collaboration, they will fail if they do not improve their digital dexterity. Using technology to grow the business in all aspects should be every leader's goal.

Why Is Digital Dexterity Important?
Technology advancement has skyrocketed since the invention of the IBM PC in 1980. Companies have competed to showcase their latest technological advancement, which will aid in business and manufacturing across the globe. Technology certainly has advanced many different professions and taken the business to new heights. The progression led to the internet, then onto smartphone technology, and from there cloud servers.

Digital dexterity is now more important than ever. As each part of an organization functions separately, it is difficult to get everyone on the same page with advances in technology as it changes. The pandemic has taught us that having these technology systems in place like SaaS-based personal and team productivity applications helps flip-flop between remote settings and the workplace.

How To Build Digital Dexterity in the Workforce
The level of digital dexterity in an organization often determines the likelihood of success for a digital transformation. About 16% of all leaders and 9% of employees have a high level of digital dexterity. Below are ways to build a digital ambitious company:

  • Teach employees how digital dexterity can help them reach their career goals and grow as a person.
  • Replicate what works at other successful companies and model the practices through your teams.
  • Offer Broker development experiences to employees. Help employees build new skills in ways they find most interesting to them.
  • Identify employees who can act as "digital translators" and "skill disseminators" to help encourage the movement to digital dexterity and coach others.

The economy is unpredictable in many ways, but one thing is certain: the need for digital dexterity. Our society will continue to grow and technologically advance despite what setbacks our economy endures. The hybrid remote workforce is no longer taboo as many companies continue to make this the new normal. Using these techniques will help you to ease this transition and motivate your employees.
~ Written for us by our associate Gary Sorrell, Sorrell Associates, LLC. Copyright protected. All rights reserved
Live DISC Certification Training Webinar 
  • Includes Facilitator Materials
  • Discounts for government, military, and multiple participants are available

March 6, 13, 20, 22
May 1, 8, 15, 22
July 10, 17, 24, 31
(12:00 - 1:30 EST)

Master DISC Training Program (Virtual- 4 days)

January 23 – 26
April 24 – 27
July 24 – 27 
October 9 – 12 
Thanks for Reading!
The Navigator Newsletter is the free newsletter from Greg Smith the Lead Navigator, author, speaker and organizational development consultant, along with his team of experts at Chartcourse.com. If you like it, please forward a copy to a friend. 
Copyright © 2023. All Rights Reserved. 


Upcoming DISC Class Starting!

Creating Great Places To Work!
Online Virtual DISC Certification Training Webinar 
$300 OFF - January's Class
  • Includes Facilitator Materials
  • $300 Discount for January's Class

Jan 9, 18, 23, 30
March 6, 13, 20, 22
May 1, 8, 15, 22
July 10, 17, 24, 31
(12:00 - 1:30 EST)

FREE Success Insights’
Assessment Catalog!
TTI Success Insights is an industry-leading assessment provider that is dedicated to sparking transformative experiences through assessment solutions and research.

TTI SI offers modern and accessible assessments, training, international certifications, world-class technology for the generation of reports, and other resources necessary to ensure the success of our clients.

Is Remote Work Life Here To Stay?
Covid-19 changed a variety of things that go on within a company from the hiring, working, and development opportunities. With remote working being on the rise, companies need to be creative with the offered programs. The more opportunities you have for your employees to take advantage of, the better off you will be. Also being able to provide them with access to remote employees will help everyone.

Why Offering Development Opportunities Can Benefit
Businesses can greatly benefit from offering development opportunities to their employees. People will see it as an advantage and a chance that they can’t pass up. Some ways to see a change in your company by offering these opportunities are explained below.

It Can Improve Employee Retention and Loyalty
When you take the time, and the effort, to train your employees properly, they will be more loyal to your company. They will see the value in what you have provided them with. You will notice a positive impact on the retention your business has with employees. The least amount of turn-over that you have the better it is for your business.

Drive Employees To Be More Productive and Perform Effectively
Employees who are equipped with the proper training and knowledge to perform their job can be more productive. When you are thrown into an uncertain situation, it is more challenging to do your job effectively. If your employees have confidence and training about their role in the company, they will feel more comfortable and be more productive.

A Positive Competitive Opportunity To Offer Potential Employees
The opportunities that a company offers to an employee can change the decision that they make. If they are narrowing their choices down to two companies, and you offer more perks, they will go with your company. Competitive marking can help you in the corporate world.

Development Training Is A Great Aspect
Employees want to thrive and succeed in their job. When they feel they are not adequately performing they that they should, it is discouraging. In the corporate world, it is important to do your job well and efficiently.

On-going training opportunities can help build and mold your employees into the leaders they need to be. Sometimes, the skills that someone possesses need a little bit of encouragement to bring them out. As a business, it is great to be able to offer your employees what they need to be the best that they can be.
~ Written for us by our associate Gary Sorrell, Sorrell Associates, LLC. Copyright protected. All rights reserved
Teambuilding Exercise -- Building the Tallest Tower
This is fun team building exercise suitable for teenagers in class rooms to adults in workshops. This exercise encourages creative problem solving through teamwork.
  • Divide everyone into groups of 4 to 8 people
  • The goal of this exercise is to have your team build the tallest free standing tower with 3 x 5 cards
  • The team with the tallest tower wins
Here are the rules:
  1. You will be given SEVEN MINUTES to plan and build your tower.
  2. then you will have FIVE MINUTES for the actual construction of the tower.
  3. While you plan, you MAY NOT DAMAGE THE CARDS IN ANY WAY, but you MAY talk to your team.
  4. While you build the tower, you may NOT SPEAK to each other.
Materials: 50 3X5 cards. You can substitute with a deck of playing cards.
How Critical Thinking Can Improve Leadership Skills
Do you have good leadership skills? Are you a critical thinker? When it comes to being a good leader, critical thinking can improve your skills. In the business world, there are many aspects that will continue to evolve and change. You have to be a critical thinker in order to cope with the changes and continue to keep proceeding. Let’s talk about how critical thinking is so important when you are in a leadership position.

What Happens When You Have Bad Leadership Skills?
Lousy leadership skills will cause many aspects of your business to fall apart. If you are unable to lead your team in the right direction successfully, it will not flourish. The decision that you make as a leader will make or break a business. That is why it is so important to obtain the skills to be a good critical thinker.

How Can Good Leadership Skills Benefit Your Business?
If the person in charge of a team of employees has good leadership skills, the business is more likely to succeed. In addition, this person can motivate their team and keep everyone on track. It is not always an easy task, but a necessary one.

The decisions that a leader needs to make can be difficult at times, but someone who can think clearly is a good leader. A good leader is thinking about the whole team’s ability and not just their own. They can analyze, solve, identify, and put into action problem-solving skills.

Critical Thinking Skills Make Good Leaders
Do you want to improve your critical thinking skills? This skill comes naturally to some, and others have to work harder to make it happen. Here are some tips on how you can improve your critical thinking skills to be a better leader.

  • Be Completely Informed Before Making A Decision
  • Make Validated Decisions
  • Break Down The Options And Make Clear Decisions
  • Make Decisions On Facts Not Assumptions
  • Use Analogies and Models For More Visual Information

If you are a critical thinker, you have the ability to think effectively and quickly. While everyone would prefer to have adequate notice and preparation to make a decision, the time isn’t always available. There are times you will be able to take plenty of time to make a decision in a leadership position, and then there are other times you need to make them more quickly.
~ Written for us by our associate Gary Sorrell, Sorrell Associates, LLC. Copyright protected. All rights reserved
Master DISC Training Program (4 days)

January 23 – 26
April 24 – 27
July 24 – 27 
October 9 – 12 

Our Master class is now taught in a virtual mode for four days from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm with a lunch break in between.
Driving Forces Certification
Feb 15-16
What keeps people motivated? When you experience the 12 Driving Forces, you start to understand the why behind people's actions. The 12 Driving Forces is an assessment tool that measures what really motivates us. It is built around 12 basic areas of motivation people experience on any given day.

You can release an individual’s potential by using the 12 Driving Forces assessment to solve many of your professional development challenges. Driving Forces can

  • Reveal what drives an individual
  • Hire and develop the right talent
  • Increase employee engagement
  • Make more money

Class dates:
Feb 15, 16
Thanks for Reading!
The Navigator Newsletter is the free newsletter from Greg Smith the Lead Navigator, author, speaker and organizational development consultant, along with his team of experts at Chartcourse.com. If you like it, please forward a copy to a friend. 
Copyright © 2023. All Rights Reserved.