

Creating Great Places To Work!
April 1, 12:00 pm
Are you ready to hit the ground running with the new report styles?
In March, we changed the look of all of our reports including changing the vertical DISC graph to the horizontal DISC graph.

During this webinar we will cover all the changes you need to know about. This webinar should be particularly important if you have customers that use our assessments.

Free E-Book
10 Ways to Increase Your Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is the ability to sense, understand, and effectively apply emotions to be more collaborative and productive with others. This skill is in high demand in every workplace, and can transform your day-to-day interactions with everyone you meet. Learn 10 ways to develop your EQ with this free, comprehensive Ebook.

Virtual DISC Team Building Workshop
Save travel time and money. Our virtual training classes ensure a highly interactive workshop in a safe environment.

Mentoring: An Important Strategy For Employee Retention
Today’s employers are looking for innovative and creative ways to attract and keep talented employees. Traditional recruitment and retention approaches focus on offering attractive pay and benefits packages. Yet, those well-intentioned efforts are falling short. In their groundbreaking work, “First, Break All the Rules,” Buckingham and Coffman have found that once an employee’s basic financial needs are met, talented employees want more. They want to know how their job impacts the overall good of the organization. They want to feel a part of the organization and they want opportunities to grow & develop their skills.

A successful mentoring relationship will help employees meet these vital developmental needs. Employed properly, mentors create a safe environment for employees to discover (or rediscover) why their work matters as well and gives them a sense of belonging.

Successful mentors:

  • Share the “big picture” of the organization and why their work matters
  • Openly discuss the unwritten rules and strategies for overcoming common pitfalls
  • Help mentorees see things from a different point of view
  • Consistently ask thought-provoking questions so mentorees can learn through self-discovery
  • Suggest developmental opportunities that give mentorees a chance to stretch outside their comfort zone

Mentoring fosters important working relationships and gives employees a sense of “belonging.” Employees who feel they “belong” and who have an employer who is interested in their development…will stay longer! Retain your good employees. Mentor them to success!
~ Written for us by our associate Gary Sorrell, Sorrell Associates, LLC. Copyright protected. All rights reserved
3 Ways To Spot A Potential Toxic Hire
Hiring an employee for your business is a big decision. It can end up costing you more money than gain by hiring a toxic employee. There are some areas that you can pay attention to when you are hiring an employee to help you avoid a big mistake. You can ask certain questions and look for different characteristics that will help you notice toxic traits.

Definition Of A Toxic Employee

A toxic employee won’t be a good addition to your business because they don’t comply with your values and vision. If they are not willing to work as a team, be honest, and respect your values, they are going to hurt your business more than benefit. Pay attention to what they are telling you and how they portray themselves during the interview.

Do They Fit Your Vision?

Interviewing a potential employee can be a stressful and exciting time. The vision that you have for your business should reflect on the employees that you hire. Ask them questions that help you see if they fit into that vision. Their personality will either match your vision or clash with it.

  • Are you looking for elegancy?
  • Are you looking for peacefulness?
  • Are you looking for serenity?

If the person's energy or personality doesn’t reflect the vision that you have for the atmosphere of your business, it probably isn’t the right choice. It doesn’t mean anything bad towards the individual, it just means they would be toxic to the vision that you have for your business.

Do They Respect Your Values?

When you are interviewing, ask them about themselves. Don’t go into much detail about what you are looking for in the employee. Let them tell you about the values they have and how they portrayed themselves at previous jobs.

People will try and tell you what you want to hear if you tell them ahead of time what you are looking for. To get a real idea of their actual values is to talk with them. Pay attention to the answers and base your decision on them.

Are They Vulnerable?

Honest employees are probably on the top of any employer’s list. You should be able to trust the employee to be upfront and honest about things when they are on the job. Everyone is going to claim to be honest when asked, but telling about their weaknesses is a great way to really know about them. You will be able to see how forward and honest they are willing to be with you about past mistakes.
~ Written for us by our associate Gary Sorrell, Sorrell Associates, LLC. Copyright protected. All rights reserved
Building Trust While Working Remotely
With the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic, many businesses are working remotely. Some places have been using remote technology for many years and some are still learning. In many cases, businesses are realizing that they can work just as well remotely as in the office.

There is one thing that stands true though; you have to build a sense of trust with your employees that they are following protocol even at home. Trust is something that you build with someone usually in person, but working remotely presents a challenge. Here are some ways you can instill trust and even build trust in someone while at a distance.

Be Predictable

Being predictable in your job is a great way to build trust with your work peers. When you show up every day on time it can help to build trust, even if it is on the computer. Always try to be available during your working hours and following through with deadlines is critical.

Working from home is a brand new world for many people. Many have kids and other family members at home as well. It can be hard to find your groove and stay focused at home. Try to be predictable and be there when you are needed.

Stay In Touch

When you are working in person, you get to learn from people and know them. Working remotely makes that a little bit different. You have to get to know people through a computer screen. Keeping in touch with your fellow employees can help them to build trust in you.

You build friendships with people when working together, even if it is just a work friendship. When you begin remotely working, you are not able to do that the same way. Checking in with people and seeing how they are doing can help to not only build trust but encourage one another through this difficult time.

Be Supportive

As mentioned, this is a whole new concept for many people. Whether or not it is for you, be supportive of one another. Not everyone does well with change. It may be a harder task to work from home than others. Don’t harass or put down others for struggles, try to uplift them and help them when they need it. Trust is built through supportive measures as well.
~ Written for us by our associate Gary Sorrell, Sorrell Associates, LLC. Copyright protected. All rights reserved
Virtual Master DISC Training Program

April 19-23, 2021

Our Master class is now taught in a virtual mode from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm for all five days.
Online Virtual DISC Certification Training Webinar 
  • Includes Facilitator Materials
  • Contact us for a 10% discount
  • MAYDAY: The cost of May's class is reduced by $400.
  • Coupon Code: ChartCourse20%

April 7, 14, 21, 28 (1:00 - 1:30 EST)
May 5, 12, 19, 26 (1:00 - 1:30 EST)
June 2, 9, 23, 30 (1:00 - 1:30 EST)

DISC Self-Study Training Program
This DISC self-study program allows you to move at your own pace at the comfort of your home or office. This program includes online video recordings, printed materials, password protected website and a reference manual explaining the DISC language.

In addition to the DISC self-study program, we also have Driving Forces and Emotional Intelligence certifications.
Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Training & Certification 
Our emotional intelligence training program is delivered by Jennifer C. Zamecki, an Accredited Certified Professional Coach who has a wealth of knowledge and 20 + years of experience using these tools in both large global organizations & small companies. 
What Makes Us the Best Organization for Your Hiring and Talent Management Solutions
Thanks for Reading!
The Navigator Newsletter is the free newsletter from Greg Smith the Lead Navigator, author, speaker and organizational development consultant, along with his team of experts at Chartcourse.com. If you like it, please forward a copy to a friend. 
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