
zubay zubay, PIZZA: A Simple Idea to Generate Food For Thought

Creating Great Places To Work!
Proven Ways to Engage, Retain and Motivate Your Top Talent
When: February 18, 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) 

The key to success for any organization is the ability to attract and retain skilled and talented people. This session shows you how to design an effective employee retention strategy that provides a comprehensive road map for not only attracting and keeping talented employees, but for motivating and engaging them to achieve a higher level of performance—saving an enormous amount of money. This session is jam packed with tips, practical ideas, and easy-to-implement advice.

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Virtual DISC Team Building Workshop
Save travel time and money. Our virtual training classes ensure a highly interactive workshop in a safe environment.

3 Bad Management Ideas You Should Throw Out Immediately
Everyone can agree that being in a management position comes with a lot of responsibilities. It can also bring on stress and anxiety. Having a good relationship on a professional level, with employees, can help things run more smoothly. People will tend to work harder and more efficiently when they feel heard and valued.

Businesses will hit roadblocks and be presented with issues when management is run the wrong way. Sometimes it is hard to find the line between personable and over the top when it comes to being in a management position. Here is a list of some things that you should try to focus on not doing as a manager.

1. Always Micro-Managing

It is your job as the manager to keep things on track and make sure jobs are getting done. But, if you spend all day going behind everyone making sure their job is done the way you want it, your employees may feel that you don’t trust them to do their jobs. If your employees feel that they are trusted to do their job and you believe in them will result in them giving you better results on their work. 

2. Bad Communication

Communication is key in things running smoothly. If someone doesn’t understand the job they are supposed to do, they can’t give it their best effort. Making sure that your employees understand that they can come to you and ask questions if they are confused. Leaving an open line of communication, instead of feeling as though they can’t come to you.

It can help if you give positive feedback to them as they are doing their jobs. Such as encouragement when they are doing a good job on something. Even if some correction or change of direction is needed, doing so in a positive way can keep employees encouraged.

Some ways to communicate with your employees are:
  • Keep your employees in the loop
  • Give the positive feedback (or negative if needed in a nice way)
  • Make Expectations clear

3. Lack of Humor

This may seem like a strange one to need for good management. Having a dry sense of humor can leave your employees stressed and uncomfortable when you are in the room. Humor can give the vibe that you are confident, personable, and approachable by people. You want your employees to be comfortable with you.
~ Written for us by our associate Gary Sorrell, Sorrell Associates, LLC. Copyright protected. All rights reserved
Tips To Help Your Reduce Cost For Your Company
Running a business requires a lot of work regardless of whether you have a small company or a large one. All of them require you to put in a lot of hours to have things running and going as smoothly as possible. When it comes to finding ways to reduce costs for the company, it may require you to become more creative.

Thinking about the ways that you can scale back in certain areas or completely cut costs can take some time. The middle of the year is usually a good time as a business to start exploring areas you can save. Here are a few tips on how you can cut back in places.

Check Insurance Prices –
Depending on where you have your insurance, you may be able to shop around and save some money. Call around to a variety of different places and see what rate they can give you. Just because you are checking into these doesn't mean you have to switch providers, call your current company and see if they will match the rate for you.
Technology Can Help To Reduce Expenses –
When you run a company that deals with a lot of business travel for meetings and such, you could cut back by utilizing the technology that is available. Instead of visiting the client in person, try using zoom or other face-time applications to have meetings.

Right now, the world is in a place where it is not wanting a lot of in-person business relations with people that don’t work together daily. It is the perfect chance to give virtual meetings a try if you haven't already. Not meeting with your clients & customers can cause you to lose money. Virtual meetings can save time and money while still meeting with clients/prospects.

Save Money On Marketing –
Hiring a company to help you market your business or purchasing an ad in a paper, magazine, or billboard can cost your business a large amount of money each month. Nowadays you have the ability to utilize free marketing options. Social media is such a popular thing right now, you can almost guarantee that someone is going to see your ad or even share it, when you have it on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. Of course, time is money and if you don’t have the time, your money may work better for you by utilizing a professional.

These are just a few ways you can reduce costs for your company. Anytime you reduce costs, you increase profits.
~ Written for us by our associate Gary Sorrell, Sorrell Associates, LLC. Copyright protected. All rights reserved
Leadership Training Programs and Facilitator Kits

$300.00 each
Each kit comes with a USB drive containing videos, a complete PowerPoint presentation, facilitator guide, reproducible notes and exercise pages from the facilitator guide and additional resources. Buy one kit or all 12.

Communication Is Important When You're Reentering The Workplace
Covid-19 hit everyone hard and left many businesses in a predicament. Some places aren’t opening back up, some are open, and some are just now opening. It has been a struggle for many people and businesses to stay afloat.

On the other hand, it has given businesses a chance to really think about the way things are operating. Rules may change, policies might be different, or upgrades made. Whatever is going on whether it’s the same or changing, communication is key to running a successful business.

Communicate With Your Employees

During this whole pandemic, people have lost their jobs and didn’t have anything to fall back on. Which has left them in a stressful situation during the shutdown. Things took an abrupt halt in life and left some people completely unprepared. That is a scary situation and it isn’t over yet even though things are opening back up.

As you begin/continue to bring your employees back into the workplace, make sure you maintain open communication and frequent dialogue. They need to know what to expect at this time when no one knows what tomorrow holds.

Even though there may still be uncertainty about the future, let them be aware of as much as you can tell them. For instance, make sure that they are clear about protocols and policies that may have changed. Also, what happens if there is another shutdown, and what your business plans to do if that happens.

How To Communicate

As you navigate with your fellow co-workers and employees, it is important to be open and communicate often with them. Everyone is experiencing the same uncertainty and has similar concerns.

Some ways that you can communicate with them is:
  • Make The Plan To Return Very Clear To Employees
  • Communicate With Them And Ask About Their Concerns
  • Talk To Employees On A Regular Basis – Check In
  • Accept Feedback From Employees
  • Make Their Wellbeing The Focus
  • Let Employees Know Where They Can Go For Help If Needed

You may not know what to say or how to say it, but that's okay. The only thing that can be done is to go about it with an open mind and truthful communication. People are going to be returning to a whole new atmosphere in some cases, and some may not be returning at all.

Listening to your employees’ questions and concerns will help reduce stress & anxiety.
~ Written for us by our associate Gary Sorrell, Sorrell Associates, LLC. Copyright protected. All rights reserved
Food For Thought
If you want your people to focus on performance, you've got to figure out an effective way to tell them how the company is doing. Jay Johnson lets his people's palates do the talking.

Every month, he holds a communication session for the 70 employees of Crest Microfilm Inc., in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. If it's been a so-so month, he orders pizza and soft drinks. But if the company has done well, he lets the employees choose the cuisine. "In a bad month, we'll spend $75-$80," says Johnson, "and in a good month, $250. At year-end, we may spend $450 if we've had as good a year as we'd hoped for."

Food aside, Johnson uses the occasion to talk about company performance. "I give a summary of why we're eating what we're eating, and employees have an opportunity to bring up complaints and suggestions. It's a way for me to share what I'm thinking. It's also an opportunity for me to say, 'Thanks.' When everyone works hard, they should eat prime rib rather than pizza."
~ Written for us by our associate Gary Sorrell, Sorrell Associates, LLC. Copyright protected. All rights reserved
Virtual Master DISC Training Program

April 19-21, 2021

Our Master class is now taught in a virtual mode from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm for all five days.
Online Virtual DISC Certification Training Webinar 
  • Includes Facilitator Materials
  • Contact us for a 10% discount

February 3, 10, 17, 24 (12:00 - 1:30 EST) |
March 10, 17, 24, 31 (12:00 - 1:30 EST) |
April 7, 14, 21, 28 (12:00 - 1:30 EST) |

DISC Self-Study Training Program
This DISC self-study program allows you to move at your own pace at the comfort of your home or office. This program includes online video recordings, printed materials, password protected website and a reference manual explaining the DISC language.

In addition to the DISC self-study program, we also have Driving Forces and Emotional Intelligence certifications.
Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Training & Certification 
Our emotional intelligence training program is delivered by Jennifer C. Zamecki, an Accredited Certified Professional Coach who has a wealth of knowledge and 20 + years of experience using these tools in both large global organizations & small companies. 
Why We Are the Best Organization for Your Hiring and Talent Management Solutions
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