
Two Outstanding Webinars

Creating Great Places To Work!
Understanding the Success Insights Wheel

Free Webinar: Time: Aug 26, 2020 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

This high-impact, 30-minute webinar will cover the basics of the DISC wheel. You will understand the 8 sub-components and what it means to be either on the outside or the inside of the wheel. Learn how to plot your team on the wheel and see where the strengths and limitations exist.

Proven Ways to Engage, Retain and Motivate Your Top Talent

When: Sep 16, 2020 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) 
The key to success for any organization is the ability to attract and retain skilled and talented people. This session shows you how to design an effective employee retention strategy that provides a comprehensive road map for not only attracting and keeping talented employees, but for motivating and engaging them to achieve a higher level of performance—saving an enormous amount of money. This session is jam packed with tips, practical ideas, and easy-to-implement advice.

Managing Change With Personalities
It’s a mistake to expect everyone to react to change in the same way. Instead, say consultants Kathy Kolbe and Jim Woodford, it makes more sense to benefit from what Kolbe calls the instinct-based actions of these four personalities:

1. Fact-finders need to investigate and process information.
2. Follow-throughs want a sense of order.
3. Quick-starts welcome innovation and risk.
4. Implementors prefer to transform ideas into reality with tools, machines or their hands.

To know which one you’re dealing with, says Woodford, listen carefully to what they say when you propose change.

Fact-finders will ask "Why do we need the change and what does it involve?" Suggestion: Let them persuade themselves by collecting research to support the need for the change.

Follow-throughs will say "Yeah, but ..." Their comments will show they need to fit the change into existing structures and routines. Suggestion: Ask them to work on the best ways to do that.

Quick-starts will say "Why not?" Suggestion: Have them tackle a change task you know they’ll complete successfully. That will encourage the others.

Implementors will say "What real work can we do?" Suggestion: Team them with the Quick-starts to field-test early change tasks.

~ Source: Richard S. Deems, writing in Human Resource Professional, LRP Publications, 747 Dresher Road, Ste. 500, Horsham, PA 19044
Free Working From Home Report
Working from home is not for the faint of heart. You have to be strong, focused, and very motivated. Especially during a global pandemic.

There’s a lot of information out there on tips on working from home. But nothing is completely customized just for you.

Complete the FREE questionnaire in 15-20 minutes and receive your report immediately.

4 Tips for Teaching and Leading Virtually

For the past decade, I have been a part of the “gig economy,” working remotely with clients around the world, and teaching online for four different schools. As a speaker, consultant, and coach, I have facilitated virtual trainings, conducted research remotely, and coached clients via phone and video conference.

Over the years, I have identified some best practices for effectively teaching and leading in a virtual context. Here are four of my favorite tips:

Virtual Master DISC Training Program

Oct 19-23

Our Master class is now taught in a virtual mode from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm for all five days.
Online Virtual DISC Certification Training Webinar 
Includes Facilitator Materials


Sept 9, 14, 21, 28 (12:00 - 1:30 EST) |
Oct 7, 14, 21, 28 (12:00 - 1:30 EST) |
November 4, 11, 18, 25 (12:00 - 1:30 EST) |

DISC Self-Study Training Program
This DISC self-study program allows you to move at your own pace at the comfort of your home or office. This program includes online video recordings, printed materials, password protected website and a reference manual explaining the DISC language.

In addition to the DISC self-study program, we also have Driving Forces and Emotional Intelligence certifications.
Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Training & Certification 
Our emotional intelligence training program is delivered by Jennifer C. Zamecki, an Accredited Certified Professional Coach who has a wealth of knowledge and 20 + years of experience using these tools in both large global organizations & small companies. 

Greg's Best Selling Books
Our top-selling DISC Tip reminder card is a great reference tool to remind you how to communicate with and the characteristics of each of the four DISC styles. Put this by your phone as a ready reminder.

Your complete solution to conducting DISC training programs and workshops!
Why We Are the Best Organization for Your Hiring and Talent Management Solutions
Thanks for Reading!
The Navigator Newsletter is the free newsletter from Greg Smith the Lead Navigator, author, speaker and organizational development consultant, along with his team of experts at Chartcourse.com. If you like it, please forward a copy to a friend. 
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