
zubay,March 1 is Employee Appreciation Day!

A Note from the Captain of the Ship
Is it time for a check-up?

A physician helps you stay healthy. An annual physical exam hopefully helps avoid any medical problems. Likewise, a management consultant helps diagnose and improve your organization's problems. This is what we do. We keep your business healthy and on the right course. There is no cost to talk to us. We are glad to provide any answers we can. See our testimonials.

Here are some services you might be interested in.

Organizational health quiz: This 3-minute quiz searches for issues in engagement, productivity and retention. Your feedback will help us identify what needs improving. Take the quiz.

Get DISC certified: Save $200 on the March web class. See below for more information.

Case study: Learn our secret in helping one organization grow by 22%. Discover how they designed a strategy to retain and empower their front-line staff resulting in outstanding customer service. Click here.

Employee Appreciation Day: Don't forget to show appreciation to the most important people in your organization. March 1

Gregory P. Smith
President & Founder
Chart Your Course International Inc.

Effective Benefit Engagement Strategies
Do your employees ‘get’ and appreciate the benefits package that your company offers? Statistics show that most employees don’t fully understand the value of what they have.

Companies should educate their staff about their benefits. How quickly they forget orientation day! They were most likely too nervous to comprehend what you told them anyway. One thing is for sure, you want to continuously market your benefits package to your team. The goal is for them to feel the value that they have received. You want their continued buy in. 

Steps to increase benefit engagement include:

1.  Orientation…What comes Next? After day 1, your new employee will be in ‘all-out’ training mode. Be sure to follow up on the benefits package. How? Create an attractively laid out marketing piece that will allow for a clean, concise summation. Plan to email it and also hand deliver it to their desk / department. 

2.  Involve the Family! Your employee may not process the info as well as perhaps their spouse. Consider a meeting, dinner, meet and greet or some other type of session where questions can be answered. The bottom line is you want the family to see the value that you are offering too. You don’t want your new hire to jump ship because the grass seems greener on the other side.

3.  Q & A. Offer a question and answer session where new hires can meet with management to find out more info about the company, benefits or any other lingering curiosities that may have crept in their minds since day one. 

4.  Email/Newsletter. Utilize your company email or a newsletter to mention and explain the company’s benefit package. Include tips on how they can maximize their benefits.

Take the opportunity to occasionally reiterate the many great features of your outstanding benefits package. Keep the info in the forefront of their minds so they are reminded of the value. The key to benefit engagement strategies is to continue to market your outstanding package to your employees. Be sure to continue to tell them what you’ve “done for them lately.” 

~ Written for us by our associate Gary Sorrell, Sorrell Associates, LLC. Copyright protected. All rights reserved.
Seeing What Isn't There
– A Leader’s Guide to Creating Change in a Complex World

I highly recommend this outstanding book. GREAT LEADERS HAVE THE ABILITY TO see what isn’t there and inspire others with their vision to create the greatest achievements of our time. These leaders don’t react to change, they create it. Seeing What Isn’t There helps leaders see a future yet to be born while showing you how to channel the collective energy of others to make it a reality. The authors provide vivid examples of how to lead change from their vast global reservoir of experience advising leaders within some of the most complex organizations in the world today. 
The Surprising Power Of Questions
Asking the right questions can get you the answers and information that you need. However, it’s often forgotten how big of a role questioning plays in our everyday interactions. Whether it’s a conversation with your parents or with a potential client, questioning helps build the foundation of our personal and business relationships.

Get The Information You Are Looking For

The best way to get the information you are looking for is to ask for the information you seek. Questioning can help build an ongoing rapport that makes people more comfortable sharing information and ideas. This creates an environment where the exchange of ideas and information becomes regular.

The more comfortable we are with someone, the more likely we are to share information. Asking the right questions at the right time can help establish the trust necessary for information to be exchanged. That’s why important to know the information you’re looking for before opening up a dialogue.

Ask Open-Ended Questions

Sometimes the answers you’re looking for go beyond a simple yes or no. Knowing when to keep questions open-ended is a critical skill when it comes to questioning. The right open-ended question can help find hidden, unexpected answers that weren’t thought of before.

However, it’s also important to know when an open-ended question is less optimal. Sometimes the answers you need are either yes or no and in a negotiation, an open-ended question could lead to the other party keeping their cards close to their chest. It’s important to try and map out your conversation before you have it to try and decide what questions should be open-ended.

Know What to Ask and When to Ask it

Sequencing is one of the most important aspects of question asking. The optimal order of your questions greatly depends on the type of conversation you’re having. Studies have shown that during tense encounters, your conversational partner is more willing to open up if asked the tough questions first.

If you are trying to build a trusting relationship, your sequencing should have the opposite approach. Asking easy questions first can help build trust, making your partner more likely to open up to more difficult questions later on. It’s important to know the type of conversation you’re having so you can gauge when to ask the right questions.

Question Everything

Questions are one of the most important pieces in conversations. An environment that encourages questioning also encourages an active flow of ideas and information. Know when and how to ask the right questions and you could hold the power in conversation.

~ Written for us by our associate Gary Sorrell, Sorrell Associates, LLC. Copyright protected. All rights reserved.
Advanced DISC Training Program (2 Days)

March 19-20 (Atlanta) | April 11-12 (Durham) | May 21-22 (Atlanta) | August 21-22 (Atlanta) | November 12-13 (Atlanta)

Online DISC Certification Training Webinar 
Choose the month for you to attend:
February 4, 11, 18, 25 | March 4, 11, 18, 25 | April 1, 8, 15, 22 | May 6, 13, 20, 27
3:00-4:30 ET

$200 discount for the March class.

Get $200 off for the March DISC certification class. Class starts March 4.

Coupon code: "discdiscount"

DISC Training Program – Self Study DISC Program
This DISC self-study program allows you to move at your own pace at the comfort of your home or office. This program includes online video recordings, printed materials, password protected website and a reference manual explaining the DISC language.
Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Training & Certification 
Our emotional intelligence training program is delivered by Jennifer C. Zamecki, an Accredited Certified Professional Coach who has a wealth of knowledge and 20 + years of experience using these tools in both large global organizations & small companies. 
Need Help Hiring the Right Person?
Identifying and hiring the right people for the right job is the first step in accelerating organizational performance. Our hiring solutions and personal development reports allow you to hire, develop and retain top performing people. Don’t make the mistake of hiring the wrong person. Contact us and discuss how we may help.
Why Chart Your Course International is the Best Organization for Your Hiring and Talent Management Solutions
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The Navigator Newsletter is the free newsletter from Greg Smith the Lead Navigator, author, speaker and organizational development consultant, along with his team of experts at Chartcourse.com. If you like it, please forward a copy to a friend. 
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