
Five Habits Millennials Need To Avoid

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Several years ago my family and I attended an Easter sunrise service on the top of Stone Mountain in Atlanta.  It was a peaceful, reflective and a tranquil time. It gave me time to think about my life.  The stress and worries faded away.  Was I following God's plan?  That experience gave me a better perspective on my direction in life.

No matter what faith you may have, or even if faith has little importance to you at the moment, I hope you have a good Easter weekend.

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Gregory P. Smith
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Chart Your Course International Inc.
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Avoid PowerPointing people to death! I have been a trainer, professional speaker and facilitator for over 30 years. In the hundreds of classes I have taught, I learned one key fact - people learn quicker if you add activities and exercises to make your classes and meetings fun and interesting. During this webinar, I will talk about my favorite exercises. These will apply to almost any type of group or training program. 

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Five Habits Millennials Need To Avoid
Millennials are often viewed as a generation of self-centered, entitled, and demanding individuals. While that may be an overreaction to the truth, there are some things that millennials in the workforce should be mindful of today. Stereotypes can be difficult to overcome, but it's worth it for millennials to avoid these habits that are seen as typical for their generation:
1. Limiting their forms of communication - Millennials are most content sending a text or email rather than engaging in a conversation by phone or in person. In the workforce, it should be understood that this mindset is not always seen in a positive light. Be open to a variety of communication forms and embrace a phone call over an email in order to showcase a little flexibility.
2. Talk less and listen more - Millennials tend to act overconfident and a little too into themselves. In an office setting, try to talk less and listen more. You'll be seen as different, trainable, willing to learn, and perhaps less obnoxious. If you are amongst those with more experience, then listening more may help you learn more in the process.
3. Staying connected - Technology has always been at the fingertips of the millennial crowd. Try to take a break from technology and unplug from your device and computer. Those in your office, especially people that are not as tech-focused, will notice that you are more approachable, attentive, and not addicted to technology. Be open to others and bring your head up once and awhile for a break.
4. Multitasking is out - Multitasking used to be a buzzword for excellence and getting things done. However, it is officially out. Millennials are used to instant gratification when it comes to information and working at a fast pace, but people are now realizing that multitasking isn't effective. Multitasking could lower your productivity and performance.
5. Making Assumptions - Office environments have become more casual. Flex days, dress codes, and when you show up, have become more flexible and less demanding. Don't assume that everyone agrees with your actions and behaviors. If you are not sure, then find someone to ask. What you wear and how you behave matters. Take the time to ask and observe instead of assuming you know how others feel.
Millennials get a bad rap at times. Be sure to not form to these habits and you'll be taken more seriously in the office and throughout your career. v
~ Written for us by our associate Gary Sorrell, Sorrell Associates, LLC. Copyright protected. All rights reserved
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Exceptional Leaders Plan And Take Appropriate Action
In our four quadrant model, the upper right (the exterior individual objective) consists of one's physical body and one's behavior.
Exceptional leaders take appropriate action in light of all the other quadrants, i.e. their individual internal dynamics such as personality and values (upper left quadrant); the collective internal dynamics such as the culture (lower left quadrant); and the external objective dynamics such as the commercial business logic and objectives in a particular situation (lower right quadrant). They set goals for themselves and achieve measurable outcomes. They are able to execute and lead others to execute.
The upper right quadrant is also your physical body. Health issues can arise from stress when all quadrants are not congruent, for instance, when one's actions (upper right quadrant) are not compatible with one's values (upper left quadrant), or when ones personality (upper left quadrant) is not suited to the requirements of the job (lower right quadrant).
Thought Provoker
  • Do you have clearly defined goals?
  • Do you clearly or consistently take the necessary action to achieve your goals?
  • Do you have a system to measure impact of your actions on a particular situation?
  • Are you physically capable of taking the action needed in a particular situation?
  • Do you pay attention to your body and your well-being?
  • Do you pay attention to your staff's physical well-being?
Exceptional leaders are able to personally execute consistently with high quality. v
~ Copyright protected by author Bruce M. Anderson. Reprinted with permission. Thinking Partners Inc.

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