
Six Rules to Hire By

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Greg no tie
Gregory P. Smith
Lead Navigator
In This Issue
Upcoming Events
Catch Greg at the Atlanta Society for Human Resource Management's 2013 HR Conference. Held at the Cobb Galleria Centre, the event draws HR professionals locally and regionally to discuss best practices. Greg will speak April 30, at 3 p.m. For more information go to www.shrmatlanta.org or call us at 800-821-2487 or 770-860-9464.
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These FREE leadership tips will help you become a better leader and manager, drive performance, motivate your team, boost your leadership ability and grow your business. Each week Greg will provide you a new tip, article or approach, which you can immediately apply to the job. Sign up to start growing your leadership skills today! 

DISC Training

(Live Webseminar) 


Our DISC training programs  and assessments help you identify individual personality styles so you can hire the right people, reduce conflict, improve communication and unleash team performance.  

(Classes are conducted in four, 90-minute sessions)



April 8, 10, 15, 17

May 6, 8, 13, 15  


3:00-4:30 E.T.


$1295 per person

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Your registration includes over $900 in DISC training materials!  


Call or email us  for more information.

800-821-2487 or 770-860-9464

Greg's Bestsellers

Fired Up! is a leadership book full of tips and strategies on how to manage, lead and motivate people at work. Unleash your employees' potential today!

Purchase : $19.95
   Spring is on the horizon and I hope everyone had a fun St. Patrick's Day. We enjoyed clear skies and warmer temperatures in Georgia, and participated in our city's annual St. Patrick's Day parade. Lots of fun. 
   If you've never tried our free leadership tips, consider signing up through our website. A strong leader drives a company's success or drives it toward decline with their decisions, team building, strategic planning and interpersonal skills. Our weekly leadership tips will provide you with a new idea, article or approach you can immediately apply to the job.

Helping you Chart Your Course!


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Gregory P. Smith

President and Lead Navigator


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Six Rules to Hire By

The economy continues to improve with increased job creation in 2013. Payroll services giant ADP reported employers added 180,000 new private sector jobs in February. Meanwhile the U.S. Dept. of Labor said total nonfarm payroll employment increased by 236,000.  

    When jobs abound, employers of course are eager to fill the spots. They host job fairs, place advertisements or offer current employees incentives for bringing in new hires. However, the influx of new employees is a critical time for a business. Every person hired contributes to a company's culture with their talents, ethics and enthusiasm, and a bad hire is a waste of time, energy and money. High performance organizations take the time to be sure they hire the right people - whether it's an executive or a customer service representative. Here are six rules to hire by:

  1. Develop clear, detailed job descriptions. It is impossible to hire the right candidate if you do not create a solid description of the skill set, strengths and requirements for the job. Avoid being vague; overcompensate and list day-to-day requirements and challenges so that you attract the right candidate.
  2. Develop your interview questions in advance. This may seem obvious, but you would be surprised how many managers I've talked to that will go into an interview with only their subjective ability to assess a candidate. When you create a job description, create a list of questions to ask applicants. Also, adjust that list based on the applicant's resume so you can fill in any holes and get the clearest picture of the person.
  3. Use social media. These days, almost everyone has some type of social media profile. One of the best places to gauge a new hire is via LinkedIn. Many people maintain complete resumes on LinkedIn, as well as recommendations and examples of previous work. Take advantage of this resource to check out new hires. Make sure you check your state hiring laws to insure you know what information can or cannot be used.

To finish reading this article click here!

Industry Facts and Figures

A 2013 study from O.C. Tanner found a strong correlation between employee recognition programs and employee retention. Employees who worked at companies that celebrated "key service anniversaries" stayed an average of 1.9 years longer than those at companies without such a program. Also, the benefits of recognition programs doubled when the employee rated them as "effective." For more on how to increase job satisfaction and employee engagement in your workforce click here  

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The Navigator Newsletter is received by over 35,000 subscribers in 49 countries, in addition to other websites and magazines.

Reproduction for publication is encouraged, with the following attribution: "Chart Your Course International, by Gregory P. Smith, Copyright 2013." Sign up and receive free articles, tips and newsletters at our website or call us at (770) 860-9464 or (800) 821-2487.


Copyright © 2013. All Rights Reserved.

This email was sent to hrzubay.idea@blogger.com by greg@chartcourse.com |  
Chart Your Course International | 2814 Highway 212, SW | Conyers | GA | 30094


Cutting Costs- Curtailing Services- Can Produce Crappy Customer Service

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Greg no tie
Gregory P. Smith
Lead Navigator
In This Issue
Upcoming Events
Catch Greg at the Atlanta Society for Human Resource Management's 2013 HR Conference. Held at the Cobb Galleria Centre, the event draws HR professionals locally and regionally to discuss best practices. Greg will speak April 30, at 3 p.m. For more information go to www.shrmatlanta.org or call us at 800-821-2487 or 770-860-9464.

401 Proven Ways to Retain Your Best Employees offers endless ideas on how to develop and retain your workforce. Avoid the high cost of turnover by implementing  these strategies today!

Purchase : $19.95
Feelings: Customer Service Training for Professionals is a fun, stimulating and entertaining program to develop your employees. Participants will learn and retain many new skills that benefit them both personally and professionally. Feelings builds motivation and team spirit.  
Expect an immediate improvement in behavior and attitudes. Your employees will care more about their customers and about their jobs. Feelings is designed specifically for your front-line personnel. Click here to learn more and watch a video clip on this program. 

DISC Training

(Live Webseminar) 


Our DISC training programs  and assessments help you identify individual personality styles so you can hire the right people, reduce conflict, improve communication and unleash team performance.  

(Classes are conducted in four, 90-minute sessions)



March 11, 13, 18, 20 

April 8, 10, 15, 17 


3:00-4:30 E.T.


$1295 per person

Register now! 


Your registration includes over $900 in DISC training materials!  


Call or email us  for more information.

800-821-2487 or 770-860-9464

    I hope this Navigator finds everyone well. One easy way to retain employees is to affirm their value to the company. My mother-in-law owns and manages a large florist/greenhouse business in Lawrenceville, GA. Every Mother's Day my wife Cathy helps her take orders, arrange and deliver flowers. I volunteered one day and I was exhausted at the end of the day. You can only imagine how busy it is at a florist on Mother's Day!

    Gloria is a successful business woman and she is still working full-time. She puts most people her age to shame. If you ask Gloria why she's still working, she might talk about bills or her customers. But what I really think keeps her going is the sense of purpose she gains from her work. In Gloria's case, it's contributed to her longevity and good health - feeling useful, knowledgeable and needed. If you want a happy workforce, remember each employee's human need to feel valuable. Consider how you can give your employees a sense of purpose and let them know they are appreciated.


Helping you Chart Your Course!


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Gregory P. Smith

President and Lead Navigator


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Cutting Costs - Curtailing Services -  

Can Produce Crappy Customer Service

    In uncertain economic times, it's common for businesses to focus their time and energies on ways to cut costs. However, many of the decisions to cut back have generated unintended, and in some cases, disastrous consequences.

    Some of these knee-jerk reactions can have a negative impact on a business' performance and growth. We are seeing increased rates of employee turnover, because people have learned the only way to make more money is to quit and find a job somewhere else. When a business shortchanges their labor or quality - its products, services, or level of customer service can suffer.

    To weather economic storms, businesses must continue to invest in their leaders and employees - and hire, train and retain the best people with greatness in mind. This means planning for training and setting realistic goals so employees can do their jobs and produce the best results for the company. If businesses take the time to invest in their employees and allow them to build relationships with their customers, they will see the rewards in greater profitability, customer loyalty and employee engagement.

    Here are five principles to keep you on track:

  1. Hire the right people. According to a survey conducted by Harris Interactive for Careerbuilder.com in September 2012, 40 percent of companies said they lost upwards of $25,000 per bad hire in 2011, and a quarter estimated the cost was more than $50,000. Meanwhile, 69 percent of businesses surveyed said their business had been negatively impacted from a bad hire. Hiring the right people saves businesses time and money. Businesses succeed when they take the time to screen, research and place new hires.
  2. Equip your staff. Regardless of their position in the company, new and current employees need training. Managers need leadership training that equips them to succeed. A third of new managers fail in the first 18 months, and the reason is often lack of training, direction or mentoring. Frontline employees need training. Their personal and professional skills are key to making connections, and establishing loyal customers that will come back and refer their friends.

To finish reading this article click here

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Industry Facts and Figures

 People tend to hire new employees based on cultural and social similarities, according to a December 2012 study from Northwestern University entitled "Hiring as Cultural Matching: The Case of Elite Professional Service Firms." The study showed that hiring managers were more likely to pick applicants who shared the same hobbies or background as themselves. As a result, HR could be missing out on more qualified applicants. "Employers really want someone they can bond with, who they will feel good around," says Lauren A. Rivera, an assistant professor of management and organizational sociology at Northwestern University. "As a result, employers don't necessarily hire the most skilled candidates."

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The Navigator Newsletter is received by over 35,000 subscribers in 49 countries, in addition to other websites and magazines.

Reproduction for publication is encouraged, with the following attribution: "Chart Your Course International, by Gregory P. Smith, Copyright 2013." Sign up and receive free articles, tips and newsletters at our website or call us at (770) 860-9464 or (800) 821-2487.


Copyright © 2013. All Rights Reserved.

This email was sent to hrzubay.idea@blogger.com by greg@chartcourse.com |  
Chart Your Course International | 2814 Highway 212, SW | Conyers | GA | 30094