
Season's Greetings from Chart Your Course International

Seasons Greetings
Dear zubay,
At the close of another year, we at Chart Your Course International gratefully pause to wish you a warm and happy holiday season. Our success would not be possible without your support and goodwill, and our satisfaction comes from helping you achieve your potential and create exceptional places to work.

Stay tuned for our new Navigator in January, feel free to enjoy our holiday coupon and have a safe holiday enjoying family and friends.


Greg Smith, President

Chart Your Course International
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Happy Holidays!
Don't miss out!  Take advantage of our holiday sale! Save 20% on the purchase of all Chart Your Course products totaling $50 or more. Use the Coupon Code HOLIDAYS at checkout. Click here to order, with standard shipping only $5.25 on any product. 


Offer Expires: January 5
This email was sent to hrzubay.idea@blogger.com by greg@chartcourse.com |  
Chart Your Course International | 2814 Highway 212, SW | Conyers | GA | 30094


Five Reasons You Need an Executive Coach

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Greg no tie
Greg Smith
Lead Navigator
Marketing Flyer



CAPTAIN OF THE SHIP                                        Buoy  


It is with a heavy heart I write the Navigator this week. Last week's tragedy has struck our country and the world as parents, step-parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, brothers and/or sisters. In honor of the victims, click here for a number of organizations and funds that support the families and community of Newtown, Ct. Our prayers and thoughts are with them.  



True leadership is an anchor in hard or changing times, and Chart Your Course would love to partner with you in creating effective leadership programs for your business. You can learn more about our services by visiting our website or calling us at (770) 860-9464 or (800) 821-2487.


Helping you Chart Your Course!


Signature 1  




Gregory P. Smith

President and Lead Navigator




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Happy Holidays!
Don't miss out!  Take advantage of our holiday sale! Save 20% on the purchase of all Chart Your Course products totaling $50 or more. Use the Coupon Code HOLIDAYS at checkout. Click here to order, with standard shipping only $5.25 on any product.


Offer Expires: January 5, 2013
Five Reasons You Need an Executive Coach

Five Reasons You Need an Executive Coach


In an interview with Forbes Magazine, Ken Blanchard, a management expert who's authored or coauthored some 50 books during his career, said the main obstacle for leaders is their own ego. "When leaders start to think they know it all, they stop growing," he said. "Growing for leaders is like oxygen to a deep sea diver. Without learning and growing, leaders die in terms of their effectiveness."


Executive coaching is one of the best ways upper management can grow themselves, and hence propel the growth of their companies. Executive coaches bring a new perspective to a company so they can better understand their work culture and create both a vision for its success and a strategy for its future.  


Below are the top five benefits of an executive coach.

  1. An executive coach brings a fresh perspective in assessing your corporate culture and leadership style. What are your standard operating procedures? What is your company's communication style? Is management in touch with their employees? Do they encourage or discourage feedback, upward mobility, creativity and or other aspects needed for a company to grow. Before you can grow, you have to understand where you are.
  2. An executive coach opens the lines of communication. Effective communication is what makes good companies great. Employees that understand their managers' decisions and vision can be confident in their jobs and focus their energies not on backseat driving, but on excellence in their everyday tasks. Plus, an executive coach can help management discuss heated issues constructively and honestly, while brainstorming new solutions.
  3. An executive coach assesses individuals' personal strengths. People are a business' greatest resource. People with their different personalities and leadership styles, drive a company's success with their commitment, hard work, and creative problem solving skills. An executive coach uses metrics to assess different personality and leadership styles so people can leverage their strengths, and work on their weaknesses.
  4. An executive coach helps managers to understand both each other and their employees. After assessing the personality and leadership styles of workers, managers can use the information to work more effectively with each other and their staff. The DISC assessment method used at Chart Your Course categorizes people into four groups: Dominant, Influential, Steady or Conscientious. Once you understand your style and the styles of others, you can better communicate and work together.
  5. An executive coach helps leaders develop an action plan and holds them accountable to carry it out. If you want to bring your company to the next level, you have to have a plan. Successful leaders have both a vision, and a plan to make that vision a reality. Executive coaches help leaders identify their vision and create a strategy for success.

Learn more about our individual and group coaching programs. 

Email us.

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Upcoming Training Opportunities


DISC Certification Training Program  

Individual personality styles have a direct impact on our interpersonal relationships at home and at the workplace. People differ from each other in fundamental ways including their values, behaviors, talents, temperaments, wants and beliefs. Our DISC training programs and assessments help you identify these variances, hire the right people, reduce conflict, improve communication and unleash team performance.  


Classes are conducted in four, 90-minute sessions.  


Upcoming class dates 


Jan. 14, 16, 24

Feb. 4, 6, 11

March 11, 13, 18  

3 - 4:30 p.m. ET 


Cost: $1195 per person




Cost: $895
Call or email us for more information.

 1-800-821-2487 or 770-860-9464

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Copyright 2012 by Chart Your Course International--reproduction for publication is encouraged, with the following attribution: "Chart Your Course International, by Gregory P. Smith, Copyright 2012." Sign up and receive free articles, tips and newsletters at our website or call us at (770) 860-9464 or (800) 821-2487.

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This email was sent to hrzubay.idea@blogger.com by greg@chartcourse.com |  
Chart Your Course International | 2814 Highway 212 | Conyers | GA | 30094